A Wonderful Thing

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We're definitely staying in the realm of chapters where nothing happens, lol! At least poor Hawk thinks that, and I just got lost in his mind.


"So still no, huh?" Miguel asked, lying on his back on the floor while Hawk was slacking on his bed leaning his back on the wall, and Demetri - the only one of them, who was doing anything useful - was doing math homework by Hawk's desk.

Hawk gave an annoyed eye roll, but he didn't even have to ask what Miguel meant.

"No," he replied shortly, and threw a baseball in the air, catching it as it fell back down. His own math book lay forgotten on the bed beside him.

"Me neither," Miguel replied with a frustrated tone that all too well echoed Hawk's feelings.

"I don't get it," Miguel continued after a short silence. "Sam says she likes me, and we've been dating for a while already—"

Hawk made a snort. "Tell me about it."

He threw the ball in the air again, this time higher, catching it again as it fell back down.

"At least Sky has introduced you to her dad." Miguel commented. "Must mean she's serious about the two of you."

"I guess," Hawk replied. "Though her dad isn't my biggest fan."

Miguel made a small laugh. "Still beats the fact that Sam's dad doesn't even know that I exist."

"Would you stop whining about her dad?" Hawk stated, giving Miguel a sideways glance. "Who cares about him? You're not dating him, are you? Sam's clearly crazy about you - shouldn't that be enough?"

Miguel gave him a knowing look. "And Sky's crazy about you too. Is that enough?"

"Shut up," Hawk muttered, turning his attention back to the ball in his hands and started bouncing it in his restless fingers again.

"You are both idiots," Demetri commented, turning to look at them over his shoulder. "Both of you have a wonderful thing going on with a beautiful girl, and all you do is whine about not getting laid? That's just pathetic."

Suddenly annoyed, Hawk threw the ball at Demetri, not too hard, but Demetri managed to duck and the ball hit the wall instead with a loud 'thump'.

"What do you know—" Hawk snapped. "You haven't even kissed a girl in your life."

"It's not like I have given up. I am working on my long-term plan," Demetri replied, picking up the ball and tossing it back at Hawk. "Get good grades, graduate, go to a great university—"

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that before." Hawk said. "And get laid maybe when you're in your thirties."

"Better late than never." Demetri said, clearly not discouraged at all. "Not all of us can shave half of our hair and join a dojo. I'm more of a long-term investor."

Hawk didn't bother to reply. His mind kept going in circles, nice round circles that started with Sky and ended with her.

They had been dating for weeks now.

He had taken her out to have tacos (this time without Star Trek and her dad, which was a huge improvement in his opinion), he had taken her to Golf N' Stuff which had been amazing and fun, they'd gone to the movies and to walks on the beach, and they'd had milkshakes together, and done every single thing Hawk could think about doing with a girl, except for taking her into his room and having her every way imaginable, because–

— well, because she had made it pretty clear that they weren't going to get intimate any time soon. And every time their kissing (and there had been a lot of that thank God) had been turning into something more, she had firmly put a hand on his chest, and cut it.

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