The Natural Order of Things

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So, I received a message basically saying that the previous chapter was too dark and heavy and I don't know why, but I took it so hard and went through this existential crisis, and started questioning my ability to write, the reason for this fic to even exist and stuff. I came close to deleting this whole thing, and blah, I don't know why I'm explaining myself, but anyway - I never said this fic would be one of those sweet, fun, and cute stories, did I? I write sick and twisted and dark things, but not only those, I hope. So yeah, if you don't like this, then you don't have to read this. :/ (But if you do like this, then it's your lucky day for I found time for an update during the weekend - which never happens.)


A half an hour later they were both showered (separately, to Hawk's disappointment) and were sitting at the breakfast table. Hawk had fried some bacon and eggs, trying to persuade Sky into eating something - it would make her feel better, he had said - but Sky had only shaken her head, her face still pale as snow. She had said she felt a bit better, though, that she had taken something for the headache, but that food would still have to wait if he didn't want to see her puking over the kitchen table.

So Hawk ate the bacon and the eggs himself - he had no problem with that because he was fucking starving. He didn't even remember when was the last time he ate something if you didn't count some snacks at the party. While he happily munched his food, he kept glancing at Sky who sat across the table, the morning sun painting her hair with all the shades of gold.

She had said she loved him, and it felt like an explosion of sunshine in his chest.

It was the only thing Hawk could think about.

That, and of course the things they had done last night, the feeling of her fingers gripping his erection—

Those fingers were gripping a phone now, as Sky was browsing through her messages.

"Aisha has sent me like 20 texts—" she said. "—asking if I'm okay."

"Oh," Hawk replied, feeling a sting of guilt in his chest. "Well, she was a bit worried about you 'cause you were kinda drunk when we left."

"Yeah," Sky shrugged. "Hey, you heard that Sam dumped Miguel?"

"What?" Hawk said. His phone had died during the night, so this was news to him. "Really? Why?"

"I don't know. Aisha is saying something about some other guy, and about Miguel starting a fight so that he accidentally punched Sam."


"Well yeah," Sky gave a sigh. "I'll call Sam later. Maybe you should call Miguel too and ask what the fuck happened. They are such a cute couple, I would hate it if they broke up."

"Yeah," Hawk said, even if he had never thought that highly of Sam. She was a spoiled little princess and she always would be - not that he was ever going to say that to Miguel or to Sky, who both seemed to genuinely like her.

Just as he was pondering on this and stuffing an exceptionally large portion of bacon into his mouth, he heard footsteps nearing. He swallowed, panicking, and almost choked on his food.

Mr. O'Brian - wearing slippers, pajama shorts, and a worn T-shirt that said 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do' - emerged in the doorway, took one glance at the scene in front of him, and froze on his feet.

"Well, this is a surprise - or not," he said, glancing at Hawk with narrowing eyes. "Just let me put some pants on before I start yelling at you."

Sky swirled around to face her dad, her cheeks flushing.

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