Millenium Falcon

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"Hey, can I borrow a T-shirt?" Sky asked, sticking her head into Hawk's bathroom.

He was still showering and the sight of his gorgeous, naked body brought a grin to Sky's face. They had just had sex, but seeing him like this always made her crave for more.

He turned to look at her, wiped the water off his eyes, and flashed her a radiant smile.

"Sure, just take one from the drawer."

"Thanks." Sky grinned. "You look fucking hot by the way."

"Wanna join me?"

Sky laughed and closed the door, walking back to his bedroom. She was only wearing her panties, her hair was still wrapped in a towel after her shower, and she was feeling blissfully happy and relaxed after the hot shower and their love making (she'd come three times, that boy really knew how to use his tongue). The only thing She wanted now, was to wear one of his soft, worn T-shirts and snuggle on his bed watching Netflix and eating ice cream until it was time to go to the dojo.

Or maybe they should order food? She was famished as one can only be after a sex marathon like this. Maybe Chinese? Or tacos? They could eat here in his room while watching some movie, and he would wrap an arm around her, and—

And maybe they would have more sex before Karate.

That thought made Sky purr like a cat as she opened the drawer and eyed the shirt selection. She knew exactly what she wanted - an old, worn shirt that would have Hawk's scent even if it was washed, something smooth and soft—

She reached to the bottom of the drawer and pulled out a Star Wars shirt she had never seen him wearing but that called to her. It was grey and soft and had a picture of the Millenium Falcon, which Sky found adorable. She wished Hawk would still wear these kinds of shirts, not that she didn't like his current style. Her mind was wandering - maybe they should watch a Star Wars movie together? Would he do that, for her?

I bet he'd have a fucking Star Wars marathon with me if I promised to suck his dick.

With a snort, Sky picked up the shirt, but something that had been stuck to the fabric fell and clattered to the floor next to Sky's feet.

Sky crouched to have a look. The small, shiny object lay next to her toes on the dark green carpet.

"What the—"

She picked it up, her fingers curling around the sharp edges—

All air left her lungs. She was shot through her sternum with a rifle.

The realization of what she was holding hit her with the force of a train wreck. She could do nothing but stare at the thing on her palm. The room around her disappeared, the walls were shrinking, they were collapsing on her.

She knew exactly where she had seen this object before. In a case, on a shelf, at Miyagi-Do.

She was holding Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor.


Hawk stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his hips, another thrown over his shoulders, a smug smile playing on his lips.

They still had hours before they were supposed to go to the dojo, and he had all kinds of ideas on how they could use those hours. Their vacation in Italy had been awesome, but shit it was great to be home where mom was back at work and they had the whole house for themselves again. They had fucked like animals, but Hawk was kinda hoping for another round before they'd hit the dojo.

But if the only thing Sky wanted to do was to hang out, that was fine too. They could watch a movie, or—

He glanced around his room. It was empty, the door was open.

"Sky?" he called, but no answer came. "Sky, where are you?"

And then his glance stopped at the opened drawer.

No. No, no, no—

He rushed to it and pulled it fully open. Sky had asked if she could borrow a T-shirt and he had just said yes, like a fucking moron, not stopping to think—

His hands shaking, he started throwing shirts off the drawer, tossing them to the floor to reach the bottom, his despair growing with every shirt.

It has to be here,  it fucking has to be—

But when he had removed every shirt, he found himself staring at the empty drawer and his stomach plummeted down to his feet, through the floor all the way to the fucking basement. The medal was gone. It was fucking gone. Sky had found it, and—

He couldn't even finish that thought. It made him feel like he'd throw up.

No. No. No. No. No, Fuck no!

He ran his fingers through the wet mess of his hair in desperation, his chest heaving with fast, shallow breaths, as he was trying to figure out what to do. Sky was gone. She had taken the medal and she was gone

That thought almost brought him to his knees. His legs were shaking, his gut clenched into a tight, hard knot.

Tasting tears at the back of his throat, he grabbed some clothes and pulled them on with lightning speed, almost toppling over when trying to pull on socks while rushing down the stairs. The phone was pinned between his shoulder and his ear, dialing, dialing, dialing - but Sky didn't pick up.

He reached the door, stumbled out of it.

"Sky—" he cried, his voice breaking, but she wasn't there. Her car was gone, the empty driveway felt like a slap on the face, and finally, Hawk's legs gave in. All strength left his trembling muscles as he leaned his back on the wall next to the door and slid down to sit against it.

He pulled his knees against his chest and dialed Sky's number again.



The agonizing pain in his chest made his voice break when he left her a voicemail.

"Sky, please, pick up." He had to stop to take a shaky breath. "It's not what you think. Please, I'll explain everything. Please, just call me. I love you."

He waited, he left her dozens of messages, but she didn't call back. And when it was time for karate, she didn't show up at the dojo.


This was a short one but I felt like it needed to be a separate chapter.

Ahhhhh how are we feeling about this chapter??? 😬 And what do you think is going to happen next?

Where is Sky? 💔

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