The Power of Love

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A frown fell on Moon's face and her smile disappeared the moment she opened the door and saw him.

The disappointment in those pretty chocolate-brown eyes cut through Hawk's chest like a knife into butter, making him let out a fast, nervous exhale.

"Can we talk?"

"Hawk—" Moon wrapped her arms around her body and avoided his eyes. "I don't think it's a good idea."

Her words stung, but he squared his shoulders and tilted up his chin. He had been planning to flirt and charm his way past Moon's defenses to get to the truth, but now in front of her gaze, he realized he didn't have what it would take. He was aching, his soul was an open wound, everything in him was sore and broken and hurting, and Moon saw right through him, as she always did.

"Are you gonna tell me to leave?"

Conflicted, she bit her lip. "I should. You've done horrible things, you know. People are getting hurt because of you."

"Please?" he groaned, letting her hear just how desperate he was. "Five minutes? It's about Sky."

She let out a resigned sigh and opened the door for him to pass. "Fine, five minutes. But no more, I still have a Yoga class today."

She walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch - and as he followed her, Hawk realized he hadn't been here since that damn party at the end of the summer vacation. The party that now felt like a thousand years ago, even if it was not more than a couple of months. With a jolt he remembered the taste of Sky's mouth - alcohol, desire, need - as he kissed her in the backyard, pushing her against the wall–

And then, only a couple of days later, the school fight had happened.

He pushed away the memory of Sky lying on the floor in a pool of blood, but it still managed to pierce his heart. How many times would he have to fear for her life? He didn't know how much more he could take, he hated that he couldn't stop thinking about her, couldn't stop loving her, couldn't stop caring. The fear was clenching his windpipe, taking his breath away. She could be dying at this very moment - Hell, she could be dead for all he knew—

"Where is Sky?" The words escaped his mouth as soon as he sat down next to Moon. "Please— she's been gone for a week and no one is telling me shit! Can you— can you just let me know if she's okay?"

Moon's chocolate eyes melted, the hard line of her mouth softened. She pushed a couple of escaped curls behind her ear, and Hawk couldn't help noticing how beautiful she was, and even more beautiful because of the kindness and love she had for everyone. She was like the sun - her light banished even the darkest shadows.

"You still love her, don't you?"

Her words made his heart thump painfully against his ribs.

"Even if I did, it wouldn't matter," he muttered, casting his eyes down to his hands that were clenched in fists in his lap. "She fucking hates me."

"She hates the things you've done," Moon replied softly. "What you said and did... you really hurt her."

What you said? So Sky had told Moon about the things he had shouted at her that horrible night. Hawk felt his cheeks heating - he had hoped no one knew, that no one had found out about the most disgusting thing he had ever done. It had been bad enough that Mom had heard them - that shame still felt sticky on Hawk's soul, and he suspected it would never get better.

Had Sky told everyone? No wonder they all looked at him like he was a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk.

"I know. I know I fucked up." He swallowed hard, but the lump in his throat wouldn't move. "Moon— where is she? Is she— is she okay?"

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