Trivial Pursuit

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Every time the front door opened and a group of new people arrived at the party, Hawk's glance shot up from his drink and his heart skipped some beats.

But it was never her.

He didn't know what he had hoped for. From what Miguel and Aisha had told him (which wasn't much, they were reluctant to let him know anything) Hawk had understood Sky had barely left the house since their break up.

So she probably wasn't going to show up here either - no matter that all her friends were now present. Miguel, Aisha - and even those despised Miyagi-Do's, who had just walked into the house.

Hawk glared at Demetri, who stood by the door, holding a fucking Trivial Pursuit against his lanky chest, and couldn't help a scoff. Where did he think he was? At a nursing home?

He looked so out of place in this lively, loud party, that Hawk almost felt sorry for him. Almost. And then he remembered the Yelp review, the Mall fight, his kick that had landed on Demetri's gut, the way he had run away, fear in his eyes.

He turned his gaze back down into the beer he was holding, then took a slow, deliberate gulp. Everything in him was tense, restless, agonized and he wanted to drown the mess of unwanted emotion that made him feel like a fucking loser.

Again the door opened and a group of girls entered the space that was already full of partying teenagers and blasting music. They were some of Moon's cheerleader friends and they swept through the doors in a swirl of girly giggle, short skirts, and bright smiles - and it all reminded Hawk so bitterly of Sky that he felt like he would choke. He was greedy for the sight of her, desperate to get even a glimpse of her, to hear her voice again, and even that he was not granted.

He took another gulp of his beer, grimaced at the taste.

And even if she would show up... It's not like she wants anything to do with me.
She fucking dumped my ass.

He knew very well he should stop thinking about Sky already. He should feel like he pretended to feel in front of everyone - like he didn't give a shit. Like he was over her already, carefree, laughing, badass. He knew he should stop being this pathetic, brokenhearted loser and start being an alpha again, he should stand up and walk to those pretty cheerleaders who were all fucking hot and had great tits, and maybe he'd be banging one of them before this party was over.

But that thought felt wrong. It felt like a dagger in his gut. The only one he wanted to kiss or make love to was Sky, and she had said she never wanted to see him again.

These past weeks had been torture, he felt like he was the one who had almost died, like it was his heart that had been torn right off his chest, and he was still bleeding, he would be bleeding until there was nothing left and he would truly be dead.

Nothing made sense without Sky. He didn't even know who the Hell he was anymore.

He took another sip of beer, wishing he'd opted for something stronger, as someone sat down by his side on the couch.

He turned to look in disbelief.


Of all the people in the world, he was the last one Hawk had expected to sit on the same couch with him. Hell, Hawk was surprised Demetri wanted to be in the same room with him after everything that had happened between them during this summer.

Could that nerd really be naive enough to believe Moon's crap about all of them being friends again?

There was no chance of that happening. Ever.

"You checked out the new Doctor Who trailer?" Demetri asked, clearly nervous, his posture tense and agitated.

Hawk rolled his eyes and drank some more of his beer while muttering a response. "I don't watch nerd shit."

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