Something Else

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Sky lay on the bed, the blissful afterglow of their lovemaking still keeping her warm like a soft blanket. Her body was all soft and relaxed, and yet still hot and she felt like she was lying on top of clouds instead of the bed, the room around them barely existed.

"That really... was good?" Hawk asked what felt like for the thousandth time. He was by her side, leaning his head on his hand, looking down at her like she was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

Sky could definitely get used to being looked like that. And to feeling like this.

"Yes!" She laughed. "That was fucking amazing. I've never come like that in my life."


"Yes," she replied again, turning to face him properly. "Would you stop asking already?"

He smiled, giving her that crooked grin that made his whole face lit up and always made Sky's heart skip beats. 

"Sorry," he replied, running his fingers through her hair, his touch so gentle and loving that it made Sky's chest tighten. "I guess I just like hearing you say that."

It was a scary thing to love someone this much, to let someone near like this. It was all new to Sky - she had never felt like this before, and sometimes it scared the shit out of her.

Of course, she had loved Kat - but that had been different. Her love for Kat had been like an ocean - endless, deep, and full of strong currents. It had been that kind of a love that would have lasted forever, the kind of love that could have taken anything. Sky had never doubted it, she had always known they'd be best friends through life, that they'd go to the same college, they would get married at the same time, get kids so that they would be of the same age, they would grow old together and whatever bad stuff life would throw on their way, they'd deal with that shit together - because that's what family is for, and Kat had been her sister in every sense but blood.

Sky's love for Hawk was something else. It was no less powerful, but it was still new, and very different in nature. It was a blazing explosion of sunlight that filled her from head to toe, it was a primitive need and blind trust, it was bubbling joy and paralyzing fear.

Not fear of him, of course - Sky would never be scared of Hawk - but fear of losing him.

Losing Kat had almost killed her. It had been carving out her beating, bleeding heart, and choking on her own blood, day after day after day, for almost a year now.

If she ever lost Hawk–

Sky couldn't even finish that thought, it threatened to crush her, it squeezed her heart with iron claws, and she pushed it off her mind with all her might.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hawk asked, his vast, blue eyes never missing anything.

Sky shook her head, shoving the fear and the sorrow somewhere deep, deep into the darkest corners of her mind. "Nothing, just let it go."

His throat bobbed - a sharp movement under the skin of his throat. "You sure?"

"I'm sure–," Sky replied with a half-smile, and to get that lingering sadness off her mind, she continued: "Your first time and you made me come, like so fucking hard—" she ran her fingers over the sharp line of his collarbone. "That was pretty awesome."

Again Hawk grinned, the look on his face melting something in Sky's core.

"Yeah, that was awesome."

"So, was it as good as you had thought it would be?" she asked, raising her eyes to meet his blue gaze.

"Better," his voice was low, raspy. "Fuck, Sky, I don't even have words for that."

And now it was her time to grin.

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