Total Oblivion

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"Oh Eli, please, please, ohmyfuckinggoood—" the end of that sentence turned into a strangled, wordless cry.

Hawk brought his face up, wiped his grinning mouth with the back of his hand. His whole face was slick with her fluids and he licked his lips to cherish the taste while watching her second orgasm, his head still between her trembling thighs.

She was such a pretty sight when she climaxed. Her hand was gripping the floral patterned sheet with a white-knuckled grip, her back arched off the bed like a bow. Hawk would have been happy to just watch her like this forever, lost in her bliss, except that his own need was making him more than a bit restless. As it was, he was getting impatient to join that heavenly pleasure, he was greedy for the release he surely now had earned.

Sky was still trembling and sobbing on the bed when Hawk crawled on top of her and kissed her lips heavily. The kiss was slick and hot and deep, the taste of her sex that lingered on his tongue, melted into the taste of strawberry lipgloss. Her body was all smooth planes and soft curves under him, and he wanted her, wanted her more than he had ever before.

"Oh, Eli–" she moaned breathlessly when he broke the kiss.

"Was that good?"

"So good–" she whined, when he snuggled even closer, cherishing the feeling of her soft body under his own, her breasts, the hardened nipples that were brushing his chest. "You're so fucking good–"

Her words made him almost lose it. The breathless tone of her voice was like a drug to him, it sent a jolt of raw need through his system. His dick was pressed tightly against her slick core, and he wanted nothing more than to just push it in already, to feel her heavenly heat, to stretch her open and hear the sounds she'd make when his cock filled her completely.

"I want you so fucking bad, babe—"

"Please, I want you too," she whined, her hips answering the soft rocking motion. His dick slid between her slick folds, the promise of mind-blowing pleasure made him almost forget—

Groaning, Hawk forced himself to pull back.

A condom. We need a fucking condom—!

"Just wait a sec–"

Swiftly, he got off the bed, picked up his pants from the floor, and grabbed a condom from the pocket, but as he did so, something fell from the other pocket to the floor.

A small, gift-wrapped box. The gift he was going to give Sky today, on their date, but—

Not now. Shit!

Quickly Hawk picked up the box before Sky noticed it, and stuffed it back into the pocket of his sweats. This was no time for gifts. He'd fucking burst if Sky started opening that package now - now that he was dying to get inside of her, now that he was mere seconds away from fucking her senseless.

Without giving the gift another thought, he returned to the bed, already ripping open the tinfoil wrapping of the condom.

"Eli—" Sky breathed his name again, when he positioned himself between her legs and started rolling the condom on his aching dick.

He swallowed hard and met her gaze.


"I... I just—" suddenly her eyes were huge and filled with tears, and Hawk's chest clenched tight.

If she told him to stop now, he'd burst. He'd lose his mind. He would fucking die.

The condom was now rolled on, and he let his hands fall down as he hesitantly knelt between her legs.

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