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As Hawk walked into the pool area, Sky was already there. She had chosen a sunbed with no shade and lay there reading a thick fantasy novel, looking relaxed and happy and wearing an impossibly small, and girly pink bikini. It wasn't really a bathing suit at all, as much as a couple of tiny triangles of fabric held together with strings.

It was the most amazing thing Hawk had seen in his whole fucking life - or maybe it had just been too long since he'd seen her wearing so little - but whatever the reason, his throat went tight at the sight. He had to stop and swallow a couple of times before he was able to close the distance between them.

"Hi, babe," Sky said, raising her sunglasses and revealing the amusement in her green eyes as she no doubt noticed the look on his face, the way his eyes devoured her.

"You look... fucking amazing."

"You like this bikini?" She showed it off to him with a smirk. "It's a new one, I thought it was pretty."

"I love it, you look great."

Suddenly Hawk felt hot all over, and it wasn't just the merciless sun that made him burn like this. Looking at Sky with that tiny thing on her, was a form of torture. How he was going to survive all afternoon with her at the pool when she was looking like that, was beyond him.

"Need help with sunscreen?" She asked and sat up. "Better cover that tattoo real good. We don't want the hawk fading, right?"

He gave her a sharp nod - it was still a bit hard to form sentences when she was practically naked in front of him and it had been three fucking weeks since they'd had sex the last time. It was the longest time he'd gone without sex since they started having it, and he found it suited him ill. Sure, he still had his hand - and oh boy had he jerked off lately -  but it was not the same thing. No matter his vivid fantasies, they didn't keep him satisfied the way having sex with Sky did. And then there was their stupid break... and her wish to take it slow for a while. He had agreed, of course - what else was there to do when a girl asks that? But the truth was, that he wanted her more now than he had wanted her before - and the fact that they still hadn't done it after the break made him fearful and nervous, as if they hadn't gotten back together at all.

He wanted her. He wanted to mend things between them. He wanted to make her his again so that anything that had been broken would be healed.

And why am I thinking about this now? Jeez, it's not like we're gonna have sex here at the pool.

He sat on a sunbed next to hers, turning his back on her, and passed her the bottle of extra strong sunscreen he used on the tattoo. Soon he felt Sky's small hands on his shoulders, beginning to spread the sunscreen on his skin.

Her touch was warm and firm. She spread the product with gentle, circular motions to his shoulders and downward, over the hawk tattoo on his upper back, her fingers tracing the sharp edges of his shoulder blades, caressing the lean muscle under his smooth skin.

Hawk couldn't help the quickening of his pulse under her touch. Yeah, he knew things wouldn't lead to anything here, but still - having her hands on his skin like this–

It felt amazing.

They had made out a couple of times in Rome, but it hadn't been like this, they had been fully clothed and in public places. But now they were in Florence, where Sky's dad had rented a villa that belonged to some friend of his, and the villa had a private pool. It was just him and Sky at the pool, as their parents were apparently having drinks in the garden nearby.

Sky's hands moved to his lower back, slowly spreading sunscreen all the way to the waistband of his swimming shorts, and by the time she was done, he was ready to spontaneously combust.

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