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"Sky, about last night—" Dad said, and the spoon that was on the way from her cereal bowl to Sky's mouth froze in mid-air. She swallowed, took a nervous breath, and carefully placed the spoon back down.

"What about it?"

Dad was sitting across the table from her, the early morning Californian sun on his blond hair, leaning his elbows to the table and looking so fatherly that Sky feared for the worst. She sensed a serious conversation approaching - and she sure wasn't in the mood for serious conversations, as her mind had been busy daydreaming about Hawk.

"When you bring boys into your room—" Dad said, and immediately Sky blushed fiercely.

She might have a great relationship with her dad, but it sure as Hell didn't mean she wanted to talk to him about everything.

"One boy," Sky corrected. "One boy, not boys in plural."

"Yes, one boy that you seem to like quite a bit."

"Is there a problem?" Sky asked her eyes on her breakfast. The corn flakes were floating in the ocean of milk, getting soaked, and Sky was quickly losing her appetite.

"No, no problem." Dad said calmly and took a sip of his coffee. "Just... Sky, I know you're sexually active—"

Sky choked and nearly knocked over her bowl spilling milk on the table. "Jesus, Dad! I wasn't having sex with Eli—!"

He shrugged. "I don't know what you were doing with him, and I don't want to know. I'm just saying that I want you to be smart about it—"

"Oh Lord," Sky wanted the floor to open and swallow her, even if she'd keep falling all the way to the deepest levels of Dante's Inferno. Even that wouldn't be as bad as this conversation.

"—and don't let him pressure you into something you don't want to do."

Sky gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. "He's not like that."

"Good," Dad said. "But—"

"There's more?" Sky asked in desperation.

"Yes. Sky, if you think you're old enough to have sex, you are old enough to talk about it." Dad said firmly. "I remember what it was like to be a teenager. A teenage boy, that is. I wasn't much older than you when I met your mother—"

Sky buried her face into her hands. "Please dad, not that!"

If this breakfast would now include Dad's stories about his embarrassing first time with Sky's Mom, she would fucking claw her own way to the Hellish dimensions, just to escape this conversation.

Dad gave a somewhat frustrated sigh. "I was not going to go into the details. All I'm saying is, that I don't want you to get into trouble. Eli seems like a nice kid, but he is still a boy."

"And I can take care of myself."

"Are you sure? Things can happen even when you haven't planned them. I need to know you are prepared, that you have enough money to buy condoms—"

"Dad!" Sky exclaimed mortified - apparently there was no limit to the horrors of this discussion. "I got it, okay? I have money, I will use protection, I'm not gonna get in trouble and be on the next season of the Teen Mom!" She paused to take a deep breath. "And I'm not sleeping with Eli, okay? We aren't even dating—"

"Fine, fine—" Dad said and leaned back in his chair, taking an annoyingly calm sip of his coffee. "Just stay safe, and don't do anything stupid. That's all I'm saying."

"You know me," Sky replied and stood up. She threw away the rest of her cereal and tossed the bowl and the spoon into the sink. "I never do anything stupid."


"I'm gonna be late for school," She announced, grabbed her bag, and rushed out of the house, her cheeks burning.

But when walking down the street to catch the bus, she couldn't stop thinking about her embarrassing chat with dad. No matter how utterly mortified she still felt (this was the first time they'd ever talked like this - Sky could only imagine it was because she had screwed up with Matt, and thus father had no trust in her anymore), Sky knew Dad had a point.

Last night had been playing with fire. With Eli in her bed, they'd come so fucking close to... well, fucking. And she didn't have condoms.

After Matt, she had thrown all of them away, thinking she'd never let anyone near her like that ever again... But Eli wasn't Matt. Eli's hands on her skin were gentle, his arms around her made her feel safe, not scared. And he had stopped every time she had asked him to stop. He wouldn't hurt her. And if she was going to be alone with him again, Sky knew she would need condoms, sooner or later.

It wasn't like he was the only one wanting.

The memory of his lean, shirtless body on top of her was enough to boil Sky's brain. His narrow hips between her thighs, the hardness of his cock against her most sensitive spot—

Sky's throat went dry with wanting.

When raising her hand to stop the school bus, she made a mental note to buy condoms today.


Ah, Dante's Inferno - that's a classic!

This is why I love writing fanfiction - I can write about teenagers angsting about their sex life, while also mentioning classic literature, lol! I hope you're having as much fun with this as I am.


Next chapter available probs tomorrow.

(Again in the picture Sky's hot dad slash Paul Bettany.)

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