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The next day Hawk arrived at the hospital with a wide, confident grin on his face. His bright red mohawk stood sharp and tall on his head, giving him that extra boost of confidence that made all the difference. He had put careful thought into his outfit too, choosing a red long-sleeved T-shirt that matched his hair, and a pair of dark jeans. He wanted to look good for Sky because fucking Hell - this was the first day of the new world, this was their new beginning.

He could still hardly believe it, but true it was, nevertheless. And this time he was not going to fuck up. This time he would do everything right.

Starting today. As proof of that, he was carrying a cute, pink unicorn plushie under his arm, and a heart-shaped box of chocolates in his hands. He hadn't been able to decide which one Sky would like more, so what the heck, he had bought both. Maybe it was too much, maybe it made him look desperate, but he didn't really give a shit. Sky deserved the best, she deserved everything, she deserved the whole fucking world.

The taste of her kisses was still on his lips as he walked in through the front doors of the hospital. The memory of those kisses had kept him awake most of the night, making him turn and toss restlessly in his bed, even if his muscles had been aching after karate. For the first time since their break up, he had let his mind wander into all of the wonderful things Sky could do with those beautiful lips of hers. In a state of half-sleep, half-awake, he had imagined her in the bed with him - her soft hands on his skin, her lips so fucking hot on the sensitive skin of his neck. And it hadn't ended there - in his imagination he had laid her down on the bed, and made love to her, so fucking sweet and slow, feeling every inch of her velvety heat wrapped around his dick as he pushed inside of her, and her arms wreathed around his neck.

That heated trail of thoughts had led Hawk into pushing down his pajama bottoms, jerking off to Sky's image and coming so fiercely that he had moaned out loud in spite of biting his lip so hard it almost bled. And - because he was a fucking idiot - he had done it in his bed and then the sheets had been sticky with his cum and sweat. Somehow he had managed to change them in the middle of the night without waking Mom or Dad up, which was a fucking miracle, but Napoleon had been giving him judging glances all morning, and Hawk suspected it would take time before the cat forgave him for banishing him from his bed in the middle of the night.

Still, no regrets. He didn't even care that he was sleep-deprived as fuck. It was beautiful to be able to think about Sky like that again. During their break up... it had been too painful. Thinking about Sky had been like pouring salt into an open wound, but now that they were getting back together - or starting over, or whatever she wanted to call it - it was different.

And soon - as soon as Sky's injuries had healed - they'd be having sex for real and not just in his heated dreams. He was going to make her feel so good that she would never want to break up with him again.

Thinking about Sky and all the sex they were going to have, made him half-hard again. With a silent curse, Hawk tried to push the images of Sky's lips, of her naked body, off his mind. Walking into her room with a raging boner would probably not be the right move - especially if Nicholas was there–

Breathing in and out and thinking calming thoughts, Hawk took the lift to the upper floors - and by the time the doors opened with a silent 'pling', he had managed to get his urges at least somewhat under control. Gripping the unicorn plushie in one hand, the chocolate box in the other, he stepped out of the lift and started walking towards Sky's room–

–just to run into her in the hallway.

"Look! I'm doing it!" Sky laughed, and the delighted tone of her voice was the sweetest sound Hawk had ever heard. A wide grin spread on his lips, as he saw her.

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