Blood on the Floor Tiles

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In another classroom Hawk was sitting next to Miguel, completely unaware of the torment Sky was going through. His whole attention was on his best friend, who had just told him something incredible.

"You kissed Sam?" Hawk exclaimed, a bit too loudly, a bit too excitedly. "Nice!"

"Not nice," Miguel noted with a frustrated groan. "I shouldn't have done that to Tory."

"Why limit yourself to one chick? I'm planning on having a full rotation by the time I get to midterms."

And by God - he meant that. Especially now - after his short but sour encounter with Sky in the hallway, which had ended not in making up as he had hoped, but instead of her telling him to leave her alone, like he'd done something wrong when kissing her at the party.

As if the things Demetri had said about him - and that were now all over the internet too - hadn't been enough? Now Hawk had to deal with his ex-girlfriend embarrassing him in front of everyone too?

It was time this shit ended.

Thinking about Sky or the kiss only made Hawk feel hollow and miserable, like a fucking loser. And he had fought too fucking hard to ever feel like a loser again. He couldn't go on like this. He couldn't come to school every day, his chest filled with hope that he would see Sky, only to be crushed again by the mean words she threw at him. He needed to get over her - and no better way to get over a chick than to get a bunch of new ones, right?

But Miguel gave him a look that said he didn't buy his bullshit. Damn Miguel, always seeing too much, seeing the things that Hawk didn't want anyone seeing, including himself.

He was just about to say something to Miguel, to make him stop looking at him like that, when a tall, dark-skinned boy he didn't know, stopped in front of them. Both Miguel and Hawk looked up at him, confused.

"Hey man," the boy said. "Just wanted to say I wet the bed till I was 13. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Get the Hell out of my face!" Hawk snapped in rage, slamming the books from the boy's hands so that they fell to the floor. It took all he had not to kick him in the face when he bent to pick them up.

"What's that guy's problem?" Miguel asked, clearly perplexed. So, he hadn't heard, he must be the only one in the whole school not to know that Hawk was a bed-wetter. Maybe Hawk should send a thank you note to Samantha LaRusso for managing to occupy Miguel's mind so completely that there was no room for anything else.

"I don't know," Hawk shrugged.

He was prepared to do whatever it took to stop Miguel from finding out. Even if it meant kicking the asses of everyone in this school. It was bad enough that all his other friends knew, and Sky–

The look on her face when she had told him to leave her alone, was still a knife in his windpipe. It kept on choking him, no matter what.

There was an announcement going on, a cheerful voice filling the classroom through the speakers, welcoming the staff and the students for a new year in West Valley High. Hawk rolled his eyes - that speech was so fucking stupid - and listened with one ear only, his mind still busy thinking about Demetri's stupid speech and its consequences.

That stupid fucking speech. Now that he thought about it, he realized it must also be the reason why Sky wanted nothing to do with him anymore. At the party she had kissed him back, she had wrapped her arms around his neck, she had fucking wanted him. But now—

Of course, she had seen the video. And now that she knew he was a bed-wetter–

Hawk's jaw clenched tight, he tasted the sharp steel of rage.

Demetri. That fucking nerd had ruined everything. And Hawk was going to make him suffer.

"Give that back! Ouch! You're not allowed to–" the voice in the speakers suddenly caught Hawk's attention again. It sounded like there was some kind of conflict going on. After a couple of seconds of static noise, the voice was back on, but it wasn't the staff member anymore. It was a voice very familiar to both Hawk, and especially Miguel.

"Samantha LaRusso. You know what you did, and now you're gonna pay for it." Tory's words oozed venom. Hawk glanced at Miguel, whose face dropped. He looked mortified, his eyes widened.

"I'm coming for you bitch!" Tory snarled.

Hearing her tone, Hawk knew there was going to be blood on the floor tiles today. And he could hardly wait.


Ahhh a short one, sorry! But I felt this bit didn't fit into the next chapter and yet I wanted to keep it, this little sneak peek into Hawk's thoughts.

In the next chapter, there will be blood on the floor tiles. Yikes! 😬

Also - I just finished watching season 5! It was a bomb, oh my god!😍

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