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The sight of her knocked the air out of his lungs.

It had been almost two weeks since Cody had last seen Sky - in school, during the lunch break, smiling at him from her table as if it was just like any other day, as if it wasn't the last time he saw her - and during this time one thing had become painfully clear to him.

He couldn't live without her.

Finding out where she was, getting a fake ID and a fake visitor's permit form, and forging Dr. O'brian's signature on it, had been natural consequences of that realization.

If he didn't have her, he would die. What was faking a couple of documents to get to her? Nothing. He had been willing to sell drugs to get enough money to go to an acting school - this was no different. In order to get big gains, you had to be willing to take big risks.

Still, he could barely believe it had worked. Seeing Sky sitting on her bed, looking absolutely breathtaking in her comfy sweats and a loose band T-shirt, Cody almost lost the gift of speech - and by God, he was sure his emotion was there for all to see, that it was written all over his face, there was no way he could hide this, there was no way this nurse or that skinny boy with neon hair would believe he was Sky's brother because brothers sure as Hell didn't look at their sisters this way.

"Oh my God," Sky gasped, and her eyes widened. "Cody–!"

And just like that she was on her feet, rushing to him and he caught her as she threw herself to his arms, a whirlwind of soft, heavenly curves, red hair, and girly scent of vanilla.

The emotion that filled Cody's chest made him almost choke. It was a struggle to keep that embrace innocent and brotherly when every instinct he had told him to bury his fingers in her hair and to kiss her, kiss her senseless, press her against that wall, and have her—

Jesus Christ, keep your shit together—

"Hey, Sky," he breathed as he let her go. "I'm here. I'm sorry it took me so long."

"I— I can't believe you're here!" Sky laughed, her hand lingering on his forearm. "God, I missed you!"

The nurse, who was still standing next to them, gave a wide, friendly smile. "As I said, it's past visiting hours, so only one hour, okay? You need to be out by 9, Cody."

"Sure," Cody nodded. "No problem. Thank you, Nurse Rivera, I truly appreciate the help."

The nurse turned to leave. "It's quite alright. Come now, Luke, let's give them some privacy."

"Sure, privacy, why not?" The neon-haired boy smirked as he stood up, and from the look on his face, Cody realized he wasn't fooled by this plot.

For a short moment, jealousy pierced Cody's heart - maybe this was Sky's new boyfriend? After all, Cody knew he was nothing to her, barely even her friend. Maybe he had been a fool to think that she even wanted to see him, maybe she had moved on from Hawk - but not to Cody, but to someone else, to this skinny boy with dark shadows under his eyes and an edgy smile.

But the boy left without another word, and if Sky had feelings for him, then at least she didn't let it show. Cody silenced that nagging jealousy - it was fucking stupid, he knew it was. As if he had any right to be jealous of her when things were like they were.

"You look– different," he breathed, as soon as Sky closed the door and they were alone.

"I know, I didn't pack any makeup–" she grimaced. "Sorry, I know I look like crap."

"That's— not what I meant. You look beautiful."

It was true. Sobriety looked good on her. Gone was the drowsiness, the cloudy look in her eyes, the slowness of her movements. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks flushed, her skin clear. She looked fiercely alive, and with a shock, Cody realized he had only ever seen her drunk or high or hungover, that what he had thought was the real her, had been nothing but a shadow.

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