Mount Everest

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Yasmine looked like a goddess.

She was wearing a beautiful baby blue blouse and stylish pants, paired with high-heeled boots that probably were worth more than Sky's car. Her blond locks fell around her face, arranged in luscious curls, and her makeup was immaculate - her lashes incredibly long, the eyeshadow matched the color of her shirt and her cheeks were the shade of freshly bloomed roses. She looked absolutely gorgeous, a fact that clearly hadn't gone unnoticed by Demetri, who was gawking at her as if she was a fallen star.

Not that Sky was after Demetri's admiration but still, next to the perfection that was Yasmine, she felt inadequate. After the accident, dressing nice wasn't really an option. It was a struggle to get any clothes on with the stupid cast, so she was wearing a pair of comfy jeans that were easy to pull on with one hand, and an oversized black T-shirt with a Marvel logo. High heels were out of the question as long as she had issues with her balance and her right leg, so she only had a pair of sneakers on her feet, which made her look a head shorter and about five years younger than Yasmine. Sky wasn't vain, but still, it sucked.

But no matter Yasmine's killer looks - she didn't seem to be any more at ease than Sky. It was clear she'd rather be anywhere else than here. As they made their way towards the Lego store through the busy mall, Yasmine's posture stayed tense and agitated. She was tightly hugging her upper body as if she was cold and she kept glancing at Sky over her shoulder as if she feared Sky would start throwing punches at any moment.

Sky couldn't really blame Yasmine. The only things the other girl really knew about her, were all pretty violent. She was a Karate champion, she had kicked Yas pretty badly, and she had fought Tory in the school fight, ending up in a coma. That list made Sky sound not only badass but also a bloodthirsty lunatic. No wonder Yasmine seemed fearful.

Sky made a face. This day was proving to be even more burdensome than she had thought. She had promised to help Demetri but it sure wasn't going great, and she had no idea how to fix things.

Her mind was still busy with that problem when she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. With a slight frown, she pulled the phone out and read the messages.

Hawk: sooooo

u gonna come over?

the house is empty 😏

Suddenly the floor under Sky's feet turned wobbly. She stared at the words on the screen for a couple of heartbeats and let out a silent curse.


It was Monday. Fucking Monday! And suddenly she clearly remembered Hawk's words, the plans they had made, and all air left her lungs. How the fuck could I forget?

Sky: ohmygod

I'm so sorry

I forgot 😭

something came up

Instead of texting back, Hawk called. Sky glanced at Demetri and Yasmine, who were walking in front of her, and fell back a bit before she took that call, not wanting anyone to overhear their conversation.

"You forgot?" Hawk asked, his raspy voice came with a hint of annoyance.

"I'm sorry," Sky replied. "Shit, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. I... I have this school project and I needed some materials for it, and—"

"Are you with Demetri?" Hawk interrupted her sentence, making Sky feel like shit. She glanced at the dark-haired boy, who was happily leading the way toward the Lego store where they could get all the bricks they needed for the science project. He was vividly explaining something to Yasmine, his hands gesturing wildly. Yasmine kept her distance and glared at Demetri as if he was a cockroach, her dislike plain and clear on her beautiful face. Why Demetri was so into her, was beyond Sky - and she had a pretty solid hunch it would take a lot more than a joint science project to soften Yasmine's heart of ice.

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