Fallen Angel

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When Sky woke up, it was noon already. The bright light of the sun and the chirping of birds entered the room through an open window, the breeze that was surprisingly warm for the end of October, made the white curtains dance like ghosts in the empty room. The air smelled like the sea, and of coffee, grass, and trees, and those lazy weekend mornings when you have no rush to wake up, to get out of bed.

Sky yawned and sat up, running a hand through the mess of her curls. The bed was empty, there was no sign of Cody anywhere, but his scent still lingered on the sheets and Sky remembered the warmth of his body against her own, the feeling of his arms around her when she was drifting to sleep.

Except for the Ravenclaw socks, she was naked, but this time it didn't cause her to freak out. She remembered what had happened - well most of it anyways. She remembered drinking Champagne with Cody, talking about books, laughing and joking, and then—

Her cheeks blushed. She had been pretty straightforward, hadn't she? But clearly, he hadn't minded. He had kissed her with such passion that it still made Sky short of breath, and then there had been some kind of hand action—

She was pretty sure that was all that had happened in this bed. But of course, there had been more before that. Cody had fucked her at the party, after fighting Hawk—

I'm not gonna think about Hawk. Not now, jeez!

It felt wrong to even remember him at a moment like this when she was waking up in another boy's bed. Determinedly she pushed away the image of the Red-mohawked boy, trying to ignore the pain that thought always caused, and brought a hand to her chest, pressing on her aching heart until the pain subsided and she could breathe again.

Enough. Enough of him, enough already.

With a sigh, she glanced around and noticed a pile of clothes, a towel, and an unopened toothbrush on a chair next to the bed. On top of them was a small paper note that said, with Cody's beautiful a bit old-fashioned handwriting, "You can borrow these if you want to."

Even if Sky was feeling surprisingly good, considering the amount of alcohol she had consumed the night before, taking a shower and brushing her teeth sounded like an awesome idea. Briskly she got out of bed and picked up the towel and the toothbrush, heading towards Cody's bathroom.

When she exited the bathroom some fifteen minutes later (just a quick shower - she hadn't washed her hair. Cody didn't have a conditioner and Sky didn't want to deal with the disaster that would have caused to her curls), the bedroom was still empty. She heard some sounds from downstairs, plates clattering, and a thought of breakfast made her stomach growl as she suddenly realized how hungry she was.

Funny - she couldn't remember when was the last time she'd had an appetite. Her broken heart and the opiates had taken care of that and hadn't it been for Dad's constant worrying, Sky barely would have eaten anything these past weeks. But now—

A smell of coffee and bacon drifted into the room through the doorway, and Sky's mouth watered.

Quickly she hopped into the boxer shorts and the simple, gray sweats Cody had left on the chair for her, then found her bra that was still on the floor, pulled on the T-shirt and the socks—

Sky couldn't help laughing. No way were they Cody's! They had unicorns and rainbows and Sky absolutely loved them, even if she suspected they were borrowed from Leigh's closet. Which was probably good, since Cody's socks would have been way too big for her. Sky smiled as she pulled on the socks - that boy, he really had thought of everything.

Dressed and cleaned up, Sky picked up her phone from the desk and opened it. Dad had asked if she was okay and when was she coming home, so she quickly replied I had so much fun! Just woke up. I'll be home in the afternoon, love u!

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