Game of Thrones

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"Good morning, Cersei Lannister," Luke smirked over his cup of tea. "How was sex with Jamie?"

Sky's cheeks heated all the way to her ears as she sank into her seat next to Luke, slamming her tray on the table. "God, say it a little louder will you? I don't think everyone heard you yet."

"Well, you're lucky everyone didn't hear you, girl. Or your brother. Oh, Sky—! Touch me, do what you want, anything—!" Luke did a rather good impression of Cody's lust-strangled voice, which Sky didn't find funny at all, considering they were in the breakfast room.

"Haha, very funny. Care to stop now?" She muttered and glanced around the room. Luckily no one seemed to be paying any attention to them - the staff was piling more pancakes and yogurts on the buffet table, only a couple of kids had yet arrived, and all of them were practically snoozing over their cups of tea.

Luke sighed melodramatically and flipped his neon locs behind his shoulder. "Damn, you're edgy. One would have thought you'd be a bit more cheerful after that incest fest."

"You're awful. You know he's not really my brother."

"I'm just kidding," Luke replied with a gentler tone. "Let me have some fun! This is the most exciting thing that has happened here since Kimmie LaRue smuggled her pet tarantula in and managed to keep it in her room for two weeks before it escaped and caused a hell of mayhem."

"Kimmie who?" Sky frowned.

Luke brushed that off with a swift movement of his hand. "You don't know her, she got kicked out."

"Because of the tarantula?"

"Well, yeah. Be careful, Sky. Smuggling in some hairy-legged spider is one thing, but smuggling in a lover? That could get you in a shitload of trouble." Luke sighed, but quickly his worried expression turned into a wicked grin. "Still, I think that was romantic as Hell. That cutie, sneaking in pretending to be your brother, and then discreetly banging your brains out - sweet Jesus! How did he do that by the way?"

"What?" Sky almost choked on her tea. "I'm not gonna give you any dirty details!"

"No, jeez, I meant how did he sneak in here? How did he even find you?"

To get a moment to think about her answer, Sky buttered her toast, added some jam, and took a bite, then flushed it down with the disgusting herbal tea. Of course, she had known she would have to explain things to Luke, but still, she hadn't been quite prepared for this inquisition. What had happened with Cody was private. It felt intimate, fragile, beautiful, and she couldn't quite make herself laugh at Luke's rude jokes. With a frown, she sipped some more of her tea - and made a face to the taste that reminded her of dirty socks and soil. If only she had coffee— She could use something that would help her brain to make sense of everything that had happened. But maybe Cody would bring her some next time he visited---

Sky's stomach clenched into a tight knot of anxiety, and she placed down her tea cup to hide the sudden trembling of her hands.

I bet he never wants to see me again. I never should have said anything.

"He– he had a fake ID," she said to Luke, forcing herself back into the conversation. "And he had forged Dad's signature on the visitor's permit form."

Luke's brows arched high. "Damn, that boy is committed. I gotta give him that."

"He went through an awful lot of trouble to see me," Sky admitted. "I don't really know what to think about it."

That part was true - she was more confused about Cody than she had ever been before. First, there had been the letter, then the visit - and all Cody had said when holding her in his arms. How sorry he was, how he would do anything for her, anything. Those weren't things you said to a friend, they were something more. Sky knew Cody could have any girl he wanted, that he had dated half the school - clearly, he wasn't just after sex either, there were a thousand easier ways to get pussy than to sneak into a rehab center breaking a dozen laws. So maybe Moon and Sam had been right? Maybe Cody did have a crush on her? Sky's heart sank, it fell into her gut, leaving behind a hollow, desolate emotion. Whatever feelings Cody might have nurtured towards her, they were surely gone now. Sky had made sure of that by telling him just how unlovable she really was, how disgusting. Now he was probably gone for good, thanking God for the fact that he had dodged the bullet.

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