Ruined. Shattered. Destroyed.

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Sky started to cry.

She brought a hand to her mouth, but sobs broke through. Tears, big and bright and clear, filled her eyes and spilled over, falling to her cheeks and Hawk could only watch in growing horror as he slowly began to realize how utterly screwed he was

The school project Sky had been doing with Demetri. The one she had worked on every night this past week, the one she had been so excited about, the same one Hawk had wanted to know nothing about because it had involved Demetri—

Ruined. Shattered. Destroyed.

How could I be so fucking stupid?!

Why didn't she tell me?

He knew he had to say something, to do something but his feet were frozen to the Lego-covered floor. The ache for violence, the sweet taste of victory after seeing Demetri's face when the Lego structure exploded, had vanished completely leaving behind only a deathly swamp of anxiety for him to drown in.

Silence had swallowed him as if he wasn't Hawk anymore. In front of Sky's tears, he was utterly at a loss for words, almost as if he'd still been Eli—

Except that Eli never would have done something this stupid.

"Did— did you do this?" Sky breathed, turning her tear-filled eyes up from the destruction.

Hawk felt like he was going to be sick.

Sky kept sobbing. "You— you destroyed our science project—?"

"Sky, I—"

"How could you—?" She was crying hard, her face was twisted and tears ran down her cheeks like streams. "I— we built it fo— for weeks—!"

"I— I didn't mean to—"

"I trusted you—!" she cried. "I loved you! I gave you everything, and this—- this is what I get?!"

She stood in front of him, small and slender, her face pale and her lips trembling, scattered Lego pieces surrounding her sneakered feet. Tears were making her voice thick, her face wet, and Hawk knew he needed to do something, anything, he had to find the right words to make Sky see that he hadn't known, that he hadn't meant to—

There fucking had to be a way to make this right—!

"Just— let me explain—"

"Man, you fucked her?" Someone laughed behind Hawk's back, finally making the connection. "Ohoho, that's brutal!"

"Well played, dude, that bitch had it coming!" More loud laughter followed, and someone said something about Sky being a traitor bitch, and a slut, and they snickered and made rude gestures and Hawk felt the floor crumbling to pieces under his feet.

Sky's eyes widened, more tears spilled to her cheeks and in horror, she brought a hand to her trembling lips.

"Shut up—" Hawk snapped to his friends and turned to shove Rickenberger so that he had to take a step back. "Just shut the fuck up—!"

But it did no good. They thought this was some kind of a cruel joke he had played on Sky, that he had planned this all to humiliate her. The guys were still laughing and Hawk knew he didn't have what it would take to make them stop. He would have to beat them until they couldn't speak, until they were spitting blood to the floor tiles, but—

But the look on Sky's face told him it didn't matter anymore.

He had already lost her.

"I— I wish I'd never met you—!" Sky spat out, her voice breaking. Fiercely she ripped the phoenix pendant off her neck and threw it on the floor amongst the Legos.

Hawk's stomach turned. He was going to be sick.

His knees almost gave in when Sky turned around and ran out of the cafeteria, and the only thing on his mind was that he had to go after her, even if she had dumped him, he had to go after her and explain, he couldn't just let her leave—

"So this is the way you like to spend your days," Demetri interrupted Hawk's intention. "Breaking science projects, breaking hearts—"

Hawk turned to look at Demetri, who stood in front of him, and anger flared in his chest like a torch.

"You fucking asshole—" he growled as he shoved Demetri so hard that he lost his balance and fell to the floor over his stupid Legos.

Hawk was on him in a heartbeat, one hand gripping the front of his shirt, another drawn back, fist ready to be smashed into Demetri's face—

Someone attacked with a fierce cry and pushed Hawk off Demetri so that he flew to the floor on his side, sharp Legos cutting into his flesh even through his hoodie.

"—the fuck?" He groaned and glanced up just to see Sam LaRusso standing between him and Demetri. She took a wide stance, her hands were in fists and her eyes burned as she glared at Hawk like he was a cockroach crawling on the floor on her feet.

"You want to start a fight?" Sam snarled. "Cause I'm in."

The Cobras and the Miyagi-Dos were all shouting now, throwing insults at each other, rolling up their sleeves, and everyone in the cafeteria had gathered around them, filming with their phones. What had been just an ordinary lunch hour was suddenly turning into a battlefield, and Hawk couldn't wait to draw blood.

The pain of his broken heart was easy to bury under hate, and he breathed into that spark making it burn as he crawled back up to his feet and clenched his fists.

"You'll be the first to bleed, bitch—"

"What is going on in here!" Came an annoyed voice, and someone pushed their way through the cheering  crowd. "The new guidelines—!"

Hawk groaned and let out a silent curse.

It was the fucking counselor Blatt.


Just a short one, and I don't know if this is any less of a cliffhanger than the ending of the previous chapter, but I hope you like it.

What do you think is going to happen next? Is Hawk in trouble for starting a fight in school? And what about Sky...? Maybe someone should go after her instead of getting into these fights.

As always, votes and comments appreciated. I love you guys.

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