It's not Rocket Science

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"And?" Miguel asked, glancing at Hawk while still hitting the buttons of the control in his hands. "That's all you gonna tell us?"

It was Friday night, and they were at Miguel's, playing video games and just hanging out. The talk had turned to girls, which often happened, and Hawk had just revealed to Miguel and Demetri that he had finally gotten laid last Monday.

"Yeah," Hawk shrugged, his eyes on the screen. What had happened with Sky was private. Even if he wanted his friends to know that he wasn't a pathetic virgin anymore (unlike them), he wasn't gonna go into details.

"Come on," Miguel continued. "You gotta tell us something, man. Like, how was it? Was it... good?"

"Well what do you think?" Hawk smirked. "It was fucking awesome."

"Nice," Miguel laughed and seemed to be content with this level of information.

But Demetri, who held the other control, briefly glanced at Hawk and his brows arched high on his pale forehead.

"Was it awesome for her too?" He asked.

"Yeah," Hawk replied, though he didn't much care for Demetri's tone. "It was."

"Just saying that up to 80% of women fake an orgasm—"

Demetri's comment made anger flash in Hawk's chest, and he couldn't hide it as he spat out his response.

"Yeah? Well, I'm saying that more than 100% of women will never have sex with a smartass like you."

"That's actually mathematically impossible—"

"As is the fact that you'd ever get anywhere near to having sex," Hawk noted, grabbed a pillow from the couch, and threw it at Demetri, who barely managed to dodge. "You fuking nerd."

"Hey!" Said Miguel, glancing from Hawk to Demetri and back. "Guys, chill! Don't start throwing my Yaya's pillows—"

"That fucking pussy Demetri is implying that I can't please my girlfriend—"

"I'm not, okay?" Demetri said, rolling his eyes. "Just saying that girls do fake it sometimes."

"You know nothing about women, so why don't you just shut your mouth–" Hawk took a breath, as Miguel gave him a look. "Just... Sky wasn't faking it. I fucking know it."

"Okay," Demetri muttered. "I didn't mean she was."

A moment of silence. Demetri and Miguel were still hitting the buttons of their controls, and Hawk turned his eyes back to the screen where the battle was going on. Someone was being stabbed through the throat and blood splattered - Hawk hoped that was Demetri, but as he hadn't really paid attention to the game he couldn't be sure.

"How do you know it, though?" Demetri asked after a couple of minutes - clearly unable to leave this fascinating topic.

"If you must know," Hawk said with an eye roll. "I asked Sky how she likes to be touched, and then did it just as she told me to. It's not rocket science, you know."

Demetri's eyebrows arched high on his forehead. "That... might actually work."

Hawk rolled his eyes. "You think?"

Miguel and Demetri turned their attention back to the TV screen, concentrating on the game again, leaving Hawk thinking about the things he'd done with Sky. She couldn't have been faking it, right? That thought hadn't even slipped to his mind before Demetri's wise-ass comment, but now it felt difficult to shake it off. How would he know if she faked it or not? Maybe it was stupid to assume that he could actually please her... after all, what did he know about women or sex or anything? Maybe Sky hadn't liked it, maybe she had just decided to give in, to finally let Hawk out of his misery and have sex with him, and maybe she had faked her pleasure just to make him feel good about himself--

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