All the Best Girls

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"Seriously - how do you get all the girls?"

"I don't get all the girls. That's ridiculous."

Cody drew his eyes off Sky who was sitting a couple of tables away and turned to look at Tom. They were at the school cafeteria, having lunch - though in fact it was only Tom who was having lunch as Cody just absentmindedly pushed his food around his plate. It was very hard to find an appetite these days.

"Right. Because from where I'm sitting, it sure looks like you do. I mean - you can be lying on your deathbed, looking like you got run over by a truck - and the next thing you know, there's a hot girl stuffing a hand down your pants."

Cody rolled his eyes and stuck his fork into his food.

"You sure you want to talk about that? Cause you kinda ruined that moment for me."

"Sorry," Tom muttered, looking embarrassed enough. "My bad."

"And I do not get all the girls. Not the ones that matter, anyways."

Tom took a bite of his sandwich, looking anything but convinced. He took his time eating that mouthful before he spoke again.

"Why did you break up with Jodie?"

Cody let out a sigh. "She got clingy."

"And Anya?"

"She was boring."


"Talked too much."

"You are horrible," Tom stated as a fact.

He was right of course. Cody knew perfectly well he wasn't a good person, and that he had treated all those nice girls like crap. There had been absolutely nothing wrong with Jodie, or Anya, or Melanie - the latest one, the one he had only dumped the same day he had taken Sky to get the milkshakes. They had all been pretty, they had adored him, and he had gotten to sleep with them, but... the truth was he hadn't given a crap about any of them. They had been a pastime, nothing more, and he had never even wanted anything more, because he had been so sure that there was something wrong with him, that the things that had happened to him as a child had somehow broken his soul, turned him into something nasty, made him not only undeserving of love but incapable of feeling it too.

Well, that at least, had been proven wrong.

He had fallen in love with Sky fast and hard, and in these past two weeks, he had loved more than most people in a lifetime.

"Melanie was nice. I liked her." Said Tom wistfully, making Cody roll his eyes and let out an annoyed huff.

"Well, good for you. Why don't you date her then?"

"It's not me she wants to date," Tom noted and took another bite of his sandwich. "Nobody does. Because you date everyone, so there is nothing left for the rest of us. It's like you are collecting a harem. No, seriously - those three I mentioned are all in the past two months! Who knows how many girls you've dated in total? Do you even know yourself?"

"No. What's your point?"

"I don't know. Maybe I don't have a point. Maybe I'm just complaining."

Cody was barely listening. It was really hard to concentrate on anything that Tom was saying, as Sky was sitting at a table not too far from them, and he had a straight view of her. She was talking with her friends, Moon and Yasmine, and the LaRusso girl whose name Cody couldn't remember. They were giggling and glancing at Cody, which made him feel rather uneasy.


They were all decent-looking girls, but Sky stood out amongst them as if a heavenly light glowed over her head. Every detail about her was perfect, her mere presence was enough to take his breath away. He had never wanted a girl like this - like she was the air he breathed, like he would die if he didn't get her. The things they had done in his room last Friday had left him all hot and restless, hungry for more. He had jerked off to her image after she had left - the first time he had ever done that, and he still felt kinda dirty for doing it - but it had done nothing to put off the fire in his veins. He could still feel the touch of her hand, her slender fingers curling around his dick—

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