Pecan Pie

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When Hawk walked back into Sky's room after a quick shower he'd taken, she was asleep.

She lay on the bed on her side, under the floral patterned sheet, hugging the pink unicorn plushie tight against her chest. She was still naked - she'd been too exhausted to even put on her pajamas - and Hawk pulled the sheet up a bit to cover her bare shoulder so that she wouldn't get cold in her sleep.

He picked up his clothes from the floor and got dressed - silently, not to wake her up. He knew she needed the rest - she was still recovering from the head injury, and it had been a long day. First the car wash, then all they had done in the bed.

A smile lingered on Hawk's lips as he pulled a T-shirt on. Better memories, Sky had said. Hell Yeah - now that he looked at her on the bed, he didn't see the blue-faced, dying girl anymore. He saw her as she was, her cheeks rosy, hickies on her neck, her chest rising and falling with peaceful breathing.

This was the way he always wanted to remember her. In the bed, after lovemaking, relaxed, happy, safe.

A part of him wanted to climb back to the bed, to wake her up and kiss her, to maybe have another round of sex—

—but he pushed that thought away. She needed to rest, to heal, to dream. She was beautiful in her sleep.

Hawk pushed his hands into the pockets of his sweats while he watched her - and as his fingers met the gift wrap, he suddenly remembered.

He pulled the small box from his pocket. It was wrapped in shiny, pink paper and it had a bow on top. All girly and pretty, just as Sky was. He had wanted to give this gift to her on the beach after their date, but things had happened and now, here he was, holding the gift in his hands and she was asleep.

Suddenly he felt a bit nervous.

Sure, he had brought her gifts before - the unicorn, the chocolate box, flowers... But this was different. It was meaningful - and it had been expensive too. He was pretty sure Sky would like it, but of course, he couldn't be sure, and—

And he let out a nervous sigh. Maybe it was better this way.

He placed the box on her nightstand so that she would see it when she woke up. For a moment he hesitated, thought about writing a short note to attach to the present, but then didn't. She would know it was from him anyway.

Closing the door behind him as silently as he could, he left the room and made his way into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and picked a can of Coke. Sipping the beverage he leaned to the counter and absentmindedly scratched Napoleon behind the ear while wondering what he was going to do now.

Hawk knew he wasn't supposed to leave Sky alone, and Nicholas was still out. Besides, they hadn't even had dinner yet, and he was starving. His stomach growled as he took another gulp of the Coke. Napoleon meowed at the sound, making Hawk let out a laugh.

"I'm hungry," he said. "What about you?"

The cat meowed again, prancing around the empty food bowl that was on the counter.

"Fine, just give me a sec—"

Hawk opened the cupboard where they kept Napoleon's food, picked up the box of cat food, and poured some into his bowl. Napoleon wasn't a picky cat - he happily started munching the dry flakes. It brought a smile to Hawk's lips.

"Is that good?" He asked. "Cause it looks like dried shit."

Napoleon didn't reply, just kept eating. Hawk took another sip of the Coke, and wondered if he should order some pizza and if he should wake Sky up to eat it—

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