Facing My Demon

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"Elliot," she begs with a whine. "Trust me. I really want to go to your first game, but I just can't."

"You have to come. You're my bestie, Cora. I need you there." Cora is nervously sitting on the edge of my bed as I dig through my drawers, trying to find my favorite T-shirt. I think it's time to do laundry. I wonder if I can bribe Cora to do it for me. Nah. That's crappy. Maybe I can at least bribe her to come entertain me at the laundry mat.

"I'm sorry." I hear her voice catch and I sigh. That fucker should not still be making her cry. I hate that. I turn around and watch tears creep from her eyes. "I don't want to see him. I can't."

"Cora..." I cross the room and pull her to her feet. I stare into those captivating gold eyes of hers. "Don't give that dick another thought. He doesn't deserve it. I won't pressure you into coming if you really don't want to." I watch her body relax with relief. "I just hate that he still has this much control over you. It kills me that you won't be there and it's because of some loser."

She chews on her lip, deep in thought. "You're right," she whispers. "He's still controlling me. He's still ruining my life. I don't want that either. I'm scared though. What if I run into him?"

"You won't be alone. The band's coming to watch. I'll make sure Tucker doesn't leave your side. Do you remember Ruthie?" She nods. "She'll be there too with a few other girls from her dorm. You'll be safe. I promise. I won't even shower. I'll come find you right after the match."

With that, she giggles. "You better grab a shower. I'd hate to have to smell your BO," she laughs.

"Don't diss my manly smell! It woos the ladies."

"Sure. I guess that's why I haven't seen you with any girls. You're scaring them all away." I love seeing her smile and this playful attitude again. I desperately want her to rise above this whole Trevor thing.

"Why it's the lovely, Cora," Paul says as he struts into our dorm room. "You coming to watch me kick ass on the field tomorrow night?"

Cora sighs again as she glances at me. "I am." My face alights with a smile. She's never seen me play before and I'm really excited she's going to be there.

"We're kicking their ass," I say as I pull Cora into a side hug. She looks so nervous though and I hate it. I'm kicking their ass for her.


Elliot made sure I had Ruthie's cell number and she already shot me a text about tonight. We're suppose to dress in gold and black sports gear to show our support for the team. I don't even go to school there so I have no sports or school gear. She also mentioned dressing sexy but I'm ignoring that. It's getting chilly. I'm not dressing sexy to sit out in the cold and watch football (soccer). I slip on black baggy jeans and stare into my closet. I have a gold fitted shirt, but I really don't want to wear something so fitted. I sigh as I slip it on and grab my jean jacket to help hide my body. I put on a little makeup and pull my curls into a ponytail. I study myself in the mirror. I cross my arms over my chest to see how much this hides my body. It'll have to do.

I'm nervous. I'm trying to prepare myself for this. I will see Trevor and I'm scared. I'll be up in the stands though. He'll never see me. I'll be with my friends and it'll all be ok. I just wish my grandma was here to help ease my nerves before I leave. She's at her weekly bingo club though.

- Hey.

- Hey! How's my girl?

- Nervous

My phone instantly rings and I smile to see my moms picture fill up the screen. Of course she would call me after I said that.

"Hey mom."

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