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"What is wrong with you?" I laugh as I hit his arm.

He takes his eyes off the road and glances at me. "Nothing. What's wrong with you, Coco?" He tries to advert away from my question, but this isn't going to work. Something is clearly on his mind.

He acted nervous the whole time we were loading the car with our things. Then the long drive from Glasgow to London has been strange. Maybe he just doesn't know how to deal with his emotions. A lot has changed for him. I know our entire group was feeling a bit emotional as we said our good byes. Even me. I'll miss rooming with Ruthie. I'll miss the guys always being around. It really has been a great year. It's more than that for Elliot though. He's been really close to these guys for the last four years. Well, technically he's been close with Tucker longer than that. Now they're all gone. The band's gone. It's just us now. Maybe he's acting quiet and weird because he just doesn't know how to handle this. It also sucks since it's summer and we're going to be spending so much time apart, until summer school starts. I've gotten use to always having him around, so that sucks.

"I'm honestly just ready to get out of this car." He changed the subject. Or maybe that was his weak attempt to answer my question?

"Just a few more minutes. I'm tired of feeling cramped myself." I stretch out my legs the best I can in this car. "Anything special you want to do while in London?"

"You," he smirks and I giggle at him.

"Yeah. We'll have to be creative with that because of dear old pops."

"I fear I'll be forced into celibacy."

"That's a tad extreme," I giggle.

Mom and dad are waiting outside for us when we pull in the drive. I'm happy to be home. Mom and I both squeal as we rush into each other's arms.

"Girls. So dramatic," I hear dad say to Elliot.

"Feeling left out?" He asks.

"Yeah." Dad dramatically sighs and I pull away from mom giggling. Who's the dramatic one?

"Where's my hug from my most favorite dad ever?"

"No idea. I haven't seen the pool boy today." Elliot cracks up but mom and I both roll our eyes. "I've missed you so much, cupcake." He hugs me tight. "How did finals go?" He looks at me with excited eyes.

"Aced them," I answer in a singsong tone.

"Yes!" We high five. "I knew you would. My daughter is so smart. She gets it from me," he says to Elliot as he reaches in the trunk to help unload our car.

"Let's go out for dinner," mom suggests with excitement. "To celebrate. Elliot is a college grad and Cora has finished her first year."

"Damn good excuse to celebrate," dad agrees. "Should I make reservations at The Ritz Restaurant?" Elliot and I both bust out laughing at the memory. "What?" Dad is looking between us with confusion.

"You'll have to let Eli order the champagne," I giggle. "He's an expert now."

"Well there's clearly a story here I'm missing. Spill it." Elliot turns red as I proceed to tell my parents about his first time eating in such a fancy restaurant.

Dad laughs, but slaps Elliot on the back. "That's nothing. When I was twenty, I saved up and took my girl to a ritzy place. I was nervous, so obviously I joked. A lot. Our waitress did not think I was amusing."

"Shocker," my mom giggles.

"Hey now!"

"Just kidding. You're the funniest man I know." She kisses his cheek and here I am melting again as I watch them.

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