Night of Magic

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My stomach sinks as I look at the only sexy pair of underwear I own. I bought these for Elliot, for when I decided to have sex with him again. I remember sticking these in my bag for that trip to Scotland. I wasn't ruling out having sex with him if we got back together and I wanted to be prepared. I obviously never used them though. I take a deep breath and push the thoughts away. They're lacy and soft pink. The bra is strapless so it works with my dress. I slip them on, feeling sexy but guilty as I study myself. This was suppose to be for Elliot. That's stupid though. He's out of my life and I'll never see him again. I'm going to focus on the present, not the past. It's just underwear anyway. They're not even that sexy.

Bradley did take me shopping and I picked out a plain, cream colored dress. It's spaghetti strapped and ruched. It's really tight and stops just below my knees. My cleavage is really on display, which he seemed to approve of. He also bought me a pair of gold strapped heels and gold jewelry to wear with it. He wouldn't take no for an answer. It feels like a lifetime ago since I dressed this nice. I miss it. I miss feeling this pretty. After shopping, he dropped me off at my apartment so I could get ready. He requested my curls, so I nervously wear them down. I wish I had my natural hair color instead of this dark red. I miss just being me.

I take my time putting on makeup. I remember being little and watching my mom give herself a smokey eye. I was obsessed and she laughed as she taught me how to do it. I'll never forget that memory. I miss her. I miss everyone. I push the thoughts away and give myself a smokey eye, just like mom.

I feel really pretty. I feel like my old self again, only with red hair, brown eyes and glasses. Almost my old self.

- Here.

He's standing next to his Rolls Royce waiting for me. The look on his face as he takes me in takes my breath away. He's looking at me like I'm the most important person in his world. After being alone for so long now, I crave being looked at like this. "My god, Alyssa. You are stunning."

"Thank you. You are quite handsome yourself." I see him in suits all the time when he comes in for lunch, this is nothing new. However, seeing him now and knowing he dressed for me has me completely drooling. He's wearing a slim fit suit. This thing is perfectly tailored to his body so you see his muscles peeking through his arms and legs with movement. He's wearing a light gray shirt with a floral tie. His hair is once again gelled to perfection. He almost looks like a completely different man from the one earlier today. Now he's an Astor. Earlier, he was just Bradley.

He opens the back door for me and slides in next to me. I'm immediately wrapped in his arms as he pulls me next to him. "I thought the driver was needed tonight. Now I can give you all my focus."

"This is too much," I say to him with a giggle.

"You deserve it all, Alyssa." I immediately think of my dad and how he has always spoiled my mom. He would probably love that Bradley is treating me like this. "So, back to getting to know each other, how did you decide on New York?"

"Just random actually. I've seen a lot of it from movies and such. It just looked so fun and romantic."

"And did it live up to your expectation?"

"Not exactly," I giggle, "but it suits me. It's home now."

"Well I'm glad you decided to come here. Hopefully I can make it more romantic for you." I blush hard. A comment like that makes me think this is more than just sex. Not sure how I feel about that.

"What would you be doing if you didn't have the family business?"

"Teacher. I always enjoyed school and I really admired my teachers. I knew that was never an option for me though."

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