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There is nothing I enjoy more than making out with Elliot. Well, maybe sex with Elliot, but you know what I mean. Right now, his tongue is slowly and erotically caressing against mine. My lips feel swollen. We've been doing this for probably too long by now. Elliot's hand eases up my shirt and squeezes my breast. I moan into his mouth. I need to stop this though. If we were going to have sex, we should have already done it by now. We're suppose to be studying.

I turn my face and Eli begins sucking on my neck instead. "Elliot," my voice comes out breathless. "We need to study."

He groans and drops his head into the crock of my neck. I feel his hot breath against my sweet spot, giving me goosebumps. "Don't wanna." He eases up and looks down at me with that cute, cocky look of his. "I'd much rather make out."

"Me too." I reach up and rub his swollen lips, "but we both have big tests tomorrow. Remember? I told you I'd only come study if we actually studied."

"I know," he sighs. "You can't blame me though. My girlfriend is fucking hot and her lips are so fucking kissable. I can't stand it." He leans in and pecks me. When his tongue swipe across my lips, I turn my face away again.

"Elliot. We've got to study." I push on his shoulders, but there's no way I can move him off of me. The man's built like a brick wall.

"Ok. Ok." He sits up and looks down at me. "I think I did better in school when you weren't around," he chuckles. "You are a distraction." He adjust my shirt for me, so my stomach isn't showing anymore, looking pained to do so. I almost giggle at the look he's giving me.

"I'm sorry. Should I accept my place at Oxford when it opens up then?" I pout my bottom lip out at him.

He pounces on me with a heated look. "Fuck no! I'm use to being around you now and I can't give you up again. These last three months have been the happiest I've ever been."

"Same," I say with a huge smile. It truly has. School is going great. It's hard, but I've always been really good with schoolwork. I just pick things up fast. I'm taking more classes than what's considered full time and will be doing summer school as well. I've been working closely with my advisor and if I can stick with this schedule, I should be able to finish my entry level program in three years. Then I can continue on to medical school. I cannot allow Elliot to become too much of a distraction. I have a lot on my plate with school.

I'm so happy though. Since school comes easy for me, this is fun. I'm enjoying being a college student and I'm not feeling the stress that has eaten away at my happiness for the last five years. My mental health is perfect. School is perfect. My relationship is prefect. Everything is perfect.

Even the CoCo stuff has died down. There will be random paparazzi every now and again, but nothing too bad. It's more that they recognize me now than they are looking for a story. I can handle that. My interview was enough to chase away the mystery. Nobody is digging deeper into my past and I'm eternally grateful for that.

"I'm so happy," I voice my thoughts aloud. "This is the happily ever normal life I was craving."

Elliot scrunches up his face. "Happily ever normal? That sounds sad, Cora. What about happily ever after? Fairytales and all? Normal sounds... ordinary."

"Ordinary is all I ever wanted. I convinced myself that happily ever after was never going to be for me. I just wanted normal."

"Well, I'm happy you've found your happily ever normal. I hate to break it to you though, but I'm going to find you your happily ever after too."

My smile grows huge and I rub his cheek. "I don't doubt that at all. If anyone can find my happily ever after, it'll be you. Only you."

He attacks my mouth with a passionate kiss again. I push my thoughts of studying aside. I'll give us five more minutes. His hand creeps up my shirt again. Or maybe I'll give us more than five.

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