What the Hell did I Do?

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A groan slips from my mouth. I've never felt this shitty in my entire life. Am I dead? I feel like death. My mouth is a desert. My throat feels like sandpaper. There's a jackhammer pounding away inside my head. I peek my eyes open, but the brightness of the room immediately has me closing them. I groan again and shift, feeling a warm body next to mine. What the hell? I hold my breath and my heart stills as my hand runs over a hard, naked, torso that definitely belongs to a man. Fear eats away at me. Who the hell did I hook up with last night? No. No. No. Shit this is bad. Bits and pieces from the night before are filtering into my brain. So much of it is hazy though. I don't remember hooking up with anyone. What the hell have I done?

"Morning." I open my eyes and see Eli's way too amused face and cocky grin. Oh thank god! I groan and cuddle in closer. At least I didn't have sex with a stranger. Did I have sex with Elliot though? I search my memory but it's blank. I can't remember seeing him last night. I feel his chest rumble as he chuckles. "I'm assuming you feel like shit?"

"Understatement of the year," I mumble.

"Here." He hands me an aspirin and bottle of water. I sit up and greedily chug the water.

I stretch and the covers fall to my waist. I'm sitting here completely naked. I quickly pull them up to hide my breasts from him. My eyes go wide as I turn to Elliot. "Did we... have sex?"

He chuckles again and runs his finger down my spine. Goosebumps erupt across my skin as shivers tingle through my body at his touch. "No. Not for lack of trying on your part," he laughs. "I wouldn't do that to you though. Now I can't say other things weren't done, because you were damn hard to fight off, woman," he says with amusement.

"Oh my god!" I flop down and bury my face in my pillow.

I feel the bed shifting and Elliot engulfs me in his strong arms. Butterflies shoot off in my stomach. Why is he holding me? "Want to tell me what this is about?" He asks as he gently runs his finger over my ass. I'm just now realizing it aches there.


He laughs, way too loudly for my headache. "You don't remember?"

"No." He throws the covers off us and I'm completely naked. I blush hard that I'm laying here next to him like this. He's wearing shorts though, so that's a relief. I glance down at my butt and see something black.

My eyes go wide as I meet Eli's amused expression. "Does that says what I think it does?" I ask with panic.

"Elliot's ass. Yep," he laughs, his whole body shaking. "You tagged your ass as mine."

"Oh my god!" I squeal, instantly regretting the loud sound coming from my mouth. This headache is the worst. I jump out of bed and run to the full length mirror in my room. I stare in shock at the black ink scrolling across my left ass cheek claiming it belongs to Elliot. "Oh my god!" I say in shock. I turn to Eli. The amusement is wiped off his face as he is staring at my naked body. Tingles course everywhere with that look of lust. I'm so embarrassed though. I grab shorts and a tank top out of my drawer and quickly slip them on and glance back at Elliot. It feels awkward. I can't believe I tattooed his name on my body and threw myself at him last night. His eyes are still filled with lust though. "I'm sorry."

"For what," he laughs.

"For the tattoo."

"The tattoo doesn't affect me," he chuckles.

"Yeah. It's just... for you having to take care of me last night."

He stands up and crosses the room and I'm just now noticing his neck is covered with hickies. What the hell? His hands rub up and down my arms. "I honestly didn't mind, Cora. I'm happy it was me and not some other guy. Or Tucker."

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