Game Point

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Ruthie comes bouncing on my bed, waking me up. "What are you doing up so early?" I groggily ask. "You were smashed last night."

"I know and I slept damn good because of it. I felt a little crummy, but nothing food, water, shower and an aspirin couldn't fix."

"Well I'm happy you're not hungover." I roll over and snuggle into my pillow. I don't want to get up and face Elliot again. Last night was brutal. I don't think I can take the ignoring again today.

"Anyway, it's 10 am already, sleepyhead."

"What?" I bolt up. "I can't believe I slept so late."

"I know. Everyone's up except Steven. Come on," she bounces on my bed. "There's a volleyball net on the beach. We're playing girls vs boys." Ruthie jumps off my bed and starts opening drawers. "Where are your bikini's?"

"Middle drawer, on the left."

She opens it and begins digging through it, pulling random ones out. "What the hell are these?" She asks as she holds a mismatched top and bottom in her hands.


"I know, but where are your sexy ones? Your suit yesterday was cute, but we need to sex you up."

I roll my eyes at her. She reminds me of Ava sometimes. "You won't find any in there. Those are all dad approved."

Her jaw drops open. "You've got to be kidding me?" I shake my head no. "This won't work at all. I demand sexy swimwear for my birthday week."

"You don't have to be hanging out of your swimming suit for it to be sexy. Sometimes being more covered goes a long way."

"No, sometimes less is more. We are totally going shopping today. You're twenty one, Cora. Flaunt that body."

"Whatever," I say as I crawl out of bed. "If you need to play dress up with me for your birthday, I'll allow it. Nothing too slutty though."

"I cannot and will not make any promises to that."

"Anyway, playing beach volleyball in a skimpy bikini is a terrible idea. Your boobs will fall out."

"And distract the boys for the win!"

I giggle at her. "Only you, I swear."

"Plus, how are we going to lure us some tasty men?" She asks as she walks out of my bedroom.

I just shake my head at her as I grab a black bikini that I know will keep all my parts safely tucked in. The bottoms are high waisted again, but the butt area has more coverage than my one yesterday. The top is a turtleneck racer back, that stops right under my boobs. I throw my hands in the air to make sure it doesn't creep up funny or anything. I bounce around and the girls are pretty supported in this. Perfect. I toss my hair into a messy, curly bun and make my way downstairs.

I pause at the top of the stairs when I see Elliot standing in the kitchen by himself. It doesn't seem like anyone else is down here. Maybe I should sneak away before I'm seen. That's stupid though. I'm not going to play scared just because he's around. I walk down the stairs and he glances up at me. "Hi, Elliot," I say with a kind smile. I silently applaud myself since my voice came out normal sounding.

"Morning, Cora," he returns as he turns his attention back to the dishes. My body chills hearing him say my name. First words spoken to each other. That wasn't so bad. Look how cordial we can be. "There's still some bacon if you're hungry." More words spoken! We're making progress now!

"Thanks," I say as I walk behind him to grab a few slices of bacon. There's no use eating a big breakfast since it'll be lunch soon. It's weird being around him, but it's even weirder being alone with him. Half my body tells me to quickly run outside while the other half wants to stare at him. That side wins. I watch his back muscles moving as he rubs the dishes clean. It's mesmerizing and I can't look away.

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