Secret Santa

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Cora is peacefully sleeping in my arms. She's so gorgeous, even when she's asleep. I need to make love with her. I can't stop myself. I never can with her. I swear all I can think about is sex when I'm with her. Well that's not all I can think about, but her body drives me crazy. So having her being naked in my arms right now, I have zero self control.

I roll over on top of her and she stirs slightly but doesn't wake. I nuzzle against her neck, giving her small kisses. "Morning, beautiful," I whisper against her ear. Still nothing. This woman is such a deep sleeper. My cock is hard and begging for entry. I run my hand between her legs, feeling her wet so I ease inside her. A small smile creeps onto her lips as her eyes flutter open. "Morning, beautiful," I say again as her gold eyes bore into me. I slowly ease in and out of her and she moans in response. I bring our lips together as she wraps her arms around me and runs her fingernails gently down my back. I roll us over so she can ride me.

Her eyes are twinkling as she looks down at me. "Love you," she whispers as her face showcases her pleasure. Watching her orgasm is my favorite part of sex.

"Not as much as I love you," I whisper back. My eyes feast on her breasts bouncing around as she takes her pleasure from my body. She's getting close to getting off and I'm struggling to stop myself.

My bedroom door is suddenly thrown open with a loud bang on the wall and Cora screams. I act on instinct, not even taking the time to assess the situation. I toss her off me and leap. As my body is flying through the air, I see Steven's cocky smirk and I'm just pissed. Pissed at the interruption. Pissed that he saw her naked. Pissed that I didn't get off. My body jolts with pain as it collides with his, knocking us both to the ground.

"Ouch, asshole," Steven chokes out. It sounds like the wind was knocked from him. It probably was. I tackled him and his smaller body is currently being squashed by my muscled frame. I wrap my hand around his neck and yell in his face.

"Who's the asshole here?"

"Dude," Steven throws his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry," he chuckles.

"ELLIOT! STOP!" Cora screams. I glance at her, relieved to see a blanket wrapped around her body. I'm sure this does look scary. I'm not squeezing his throat though, just letting him know I could. I hear footsteps and glance up to see Tucker and Ross standing in my doorway now.

"What the fuck did you do?" Tucker asks Steven with a head shake.

"I'm being strangled here and you're blaming me?"

"Right, because Elliot's so prone to violence. You're talking. You're hardly being strangled," Tucker states and Ross starts laughing.

"You guys all suck as friends," Steven says as he tries to push me off. "Would you get off me? Your dick's touching me!"

"Well my dick would still be in my girlfriend if it weren't for you," I say through clenched teeth. I feel my anger growing again. I can't believe he just barged in my room like this. He fucking saw her naked and that pisses me off more than anything.

"Really Steven," Ross says. "I'd kill you if this was me and Amber. You're lucky Elliot spared your life."

"I didn't know." I shake my head as I climb off him. I hold out my hand and help him to his feet.

"Right. You didn't know. You're an asshole. You knew she spent the night."

"Sorry," he chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "I wouldn't be so pissed if you walked in on me. Just chill out. It was an honest mistake."

"Right," I fume. I don't believe him at all.

"Elliot," Cora says and I turn to look at her panicked face. I feel bad. She's probably really uncomfortable right now. Fucking Steven. "Your," she's pointing at me, looking down with wild eyes. "Your penis..."

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