I Win

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- Taking you out to lunch but dress warm and comfortable. There will be walking involved.

Comfort. What can I wear that is comfortable but still sexy? I need to drive Elliot crazy. I slip into tight black leggings, a baby blue sports bra, and a white zip hoodie. I leave the zipper down some to show my sports bra and a nice amount of cleavage. I pull my hair up, paint on a bit of mascara and lip gloss. Perfect. Time to go be friends.

We don't drive far and I smile at Eli as I realize we're going to our castle ruins. He gets out and he tucks a couple of folded blankets under one arm and a bag of food in the other. I grab the thermos' of drinks and we begin to walk.

"This is such a good idea, friend," I say to him.

"I'm full of good ideas, bestie. It's one of the reasons why you love me so much," he winks.

"Oh I do love you. You're like that older brother I never had."

He rolls his eyes with disgust. "Gah. Don't stick me in a brother category, Cora. Brothers don't do the things I want to do." Holy shit! My body heats up with that confession.

"Neither do friends," I giggle and he just shakes his head with a smile.

At the top of the hill, he lays out a blanket for us. We kick off our shoes and sit. He pulls out delicious smelling food. "Nothing special but I did grab our favorite sandwiches from the Sandwich Bar."

"Yay! This is the best." I take a big hungry bite. "This is a gorgeous day even though it's winter. It's not too cold."

"Plus I get to hang out with my bestie. Couldn't ask for a better day."

"That's true. Though as much as you like being with me, I imagine spending time with your girlfriend would be much more fun... and physical. Too bad you're just stuck with me, friend."

He rolls his eyes again but he has a huge grin on his face. "Yeah. It's too bad you can't find anyone that wants to be your boyfriend and you're just stuck with me too, bestie," he chuckles as he cleans up our trash.

I scoff. "I could find a boyfriend. There's lots of boys who'd want me."

"Don't doubt it and yet, here you are single. You must be stubborn or something," he throws me an amused look.

"Nah. I mean I am stubborn but I don't need a boyfriend. I know how to pleasure myself."

"Yeah? Wanna show me how that goes again?"

"Nope. I've decided that's something that isn't for friends to hear anymore," I lay down on my back and stretch my arms over my head, knowing that my shirt is riding up to show my stomach. Hopefully it's enough to affect him. "You're only my friend, Elliot. That wouldn't be appropriate," I smirk.

He props himself up next to me and studies my face. "What if I don't want to be your friend anymore, Coco?" He places his arm across my stomach, resting it on my hip. My heart starts hammering in my chest.

"What would you be then?" I bite my lip.

He lowers himself so his face is hovering above mine. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Butterflies shoot off in my stomach. "Yes," I smile. His face lights up with happiness and relief. "So what happens now, boyfriend?"

He gently places his lips to mine. Sparks shoot off and my stomach flips. The kiss is slow and tender but it still causes my toes to curl. He's a good kisser and I hope my inexperience at this isn't obvious. He shifts on his back and pulls me closer. The kiss deepens. His hand glides up, under the back of my shirt and he holds me as tightly as he can. His tongue exotically dances with my own at a sensual pace, making my underwear flood with desire. His hand runs down my back and cups my ass. He gives it a good squeeze and pulls me on top of him. His sweatpants and my leggings do nothing to hide his really big and hard boner pressed against me now. I can still picture it in my mind. I moan then blush with the moan. Elliot loves the sound though because he groans and tightens his grip on me. Our kiss is so passionate now that I feel like he's devouring me. I love it. The tingles and aches shooting throughout my body makes me eager for more. He tastes good. He smells good. He feels good. More importantly than that though, this feels right. I never want to stop kissing him.

He rolls us and eases me off his chest. His arm is now underneath me as he pulls away. "Fuck, Cora. That was amazing." I snuggle in with a huge smile. He rendered me speechless. He grabs the other blanket and covers us up. "I don't think I can stop kissing you, my girlfriend."

I glance up at his intense eyes. "Good because I really like kissing you, my boyfriend."

Our lips crash together again with passion. There is so much want and longing in this kiss that it does freak me out some. He cups the back of my head as he shifts me to my back and is now leaning over me. My mind keeps imagining slipping my hand in his pants and grabbing him. I'm worried that could lead elsewhere though so I settle for running my fingers over the strong muscles of his arms. His eyes are still intense when he pulls away. I wonder what's going on in his mind. I start laughing and he suddenly looks startled.

"What's so funny?"

"You lose! I win!" He rolls his eyes at me. "I knew you couldn't handle it, Eli."

"Whatever. You believe whatever you want. I'll give you this one but I am really the winner here."

I feel my face scrunch up with confusion. "How'd you figure that?"

He grins at me. "Now I get to do this." He kisses me again and this time his hand rubs across my stomach. I freeze and hold my breath as I relish in the sensation. He chuckles into my mouth. "Do I make you nervous, Coco?"

I nod. "In a good way though," I whisper with a nervous smile.

He abruptly pulls back and disappointment washes over me. "Actually, let's chat. Now that we're official, I think we need to."

"Ok." I sit up across from him but he pulls me onto his lap and wraps the blanket around us.

"So, I need to check something. I know this isn't something you've wanted to talk about, but we need to now. Were you really a virgin?" I blush hard. Of course he's want to know this. I nod with embarrassment. Elliot's eyes soften and he looks remorseful. "Fuck. I'm so sorry, Cora. You deserved so much better than that. I'm sorry I wasn't gentle. I'm sorry I hurt you. Fuck." He looks off in the distance. I'm too embarrassed to even say anything. "Here's the thing though," he locks eyes with me again. "I want to take this slow. We're gonna follow your pace here. Just because we had sex before doesn't mean we need to jump into it now. I don't want to rush you into anything. I want you to make me a promise. If things seem like they are moving too fast, let me know. I'll never be mad at you for slowing things down. Ok?"

My heart warms at the thoughtfulness of his words. "I promise."

"I'm serious. I like kissing you and kissing leads to other things. If I get too pulled into it I need you to hit the breaks, if you want." I chew my bottom lip as I imagine all the things kissing could lead to. I nod. "I hate that you're gonna be so far away," he sighs as he rests his forehead against mine. "I've never been in a long distance relationship."

"Yeah. It's gonna suck. I don't think I can convince my dad to keep flying me out here every week, especially when it's to see a boy."

"Any chance of you moving back here?"

"Probably not but I've been thinking of starting college next year. I'll come here and then we'll be together. For three years anyway until you graduate."

"Thinking long term relationship? I like the way you think, Coco." He winks at me which makes me smile. I can't believe all of this is happening.

"Well, yeah. You planning on dumping me anytime soon?"

"Nope. I'm pretty sure you're going to be stuck with me forever." Butterflies go crazy in my stomach again. "I'm excited about you coming here for college though."

"Me too. I'll work on my dad and see about moving back here."

He chuckles. "Good luck with that. I know your dad too well. There's no way."

"Yeah. He hates boys around his daughters but he's really a big softie. I think the problem is more my mental health than you actually." Elliot looks pained and a look crosses over his eyes. I almost ask about it, but he doesn't give me the chance.

"Well we need to figure something out because I don't think I can stand the thought of not kissing you now." Our lips come together again and we spend the afternoon making out and chatting. It is going to be really hard to leave but I'm excited for our future.

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