I Remember...

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As the day wears on, my hangover eases. My heart never stops pounding in my chest though. It's not from the hangover but fear and disappointment. Us girls spent the entire day struggling to figure out what happened last night. More memories come back as the day goes on and none of them are good. We all remember doing shots with a group of guys then things begin to get hazy. After the drugs come out, almost complete darkness besides occasional memory flashes. The thing that scares me the most, is that it's like we were drugged. It reminds me a bit of what happened in high school, though obviously not the same drug. I don't know. It makes no sense. I never left my drink alone or took one from anyone other than the bartender. There's no way in hell I would willingly do drugs. I hated feeling so vulnerable after I was given the date rape drug. That's not something I'd ever want to experience again. Here I am though. I remember doing drugs and it goes against everything that I am. Being drugged before we actually did drugs, is the only sense I can make from the whole thing. How though? I'm just thankful we're all safe and nothing truly bad happened at least. That's what I'm trying to focus on.

It's lurking into evening and the boys have made themselves scarce all day by heading to the beach. They're bringing dinner home for us and I'm famished. I'm embarrassed to face Elliot though. I still vividly remember waking up naked in bed next to him. I'll never forget his amusement when he mentioned the tattoo. I have memories sneaking in of kissing him, a lot. Then the moans the guys said they heard... Lord I made such a fool of myself.

I also remember kissing some elderly man, running through trees somewhere, jumping in someone's pool, and raiding the fridge at a strange house. I can clearly picture Amber's boobs when she flashed the bar, but we all made a pact this morning to keep that between us so Ross doesn't go crazy. Being chased by dinosaurs and pigs is another memory, but that makes no sense.

"We bring food," Steven announces as noise erupts at the entrance. The guys are all carrying several bags. It looks like they brought a huge feast. Good.

Elliot looks way too cute with that charming smirk of his when he says, "We asked some locals and they said chicken souse and conch salad is a hangover cure. We also got Johnny cakes, conch fritters and baked crab. For dessert, guava duff."

"Where's the burger and french fries?" Sylvia asks with disappointment. "That's my hangover cure."

"Locals swear by this," Tucker promises.

"My hangover is feeling better. I want it all though. I'm starving!" I grab a plate and jump first in line. I begin loading down my plate with everything.

Elliot leans over my shoulder and whispers, "Save some for the rest of us."

"Hush. There's a ton of food here," I snark but I throw him a smirk.

"And you've taken half a ton already," he gives me a cheesy wink, making me smile.

"Well I'm eating your portion then," I say.

"Not fair. Just because I own your ass doesn't mean you get to eat my food."

"Elliot," I squeal whisper as I look around. "Someone will hear that."

He chuckles and leans in closer. "Ruthie already told all the guys," he whispers against my ear. His hot breath hitting my neck sends chills down my spine. He chuckles as he moves to the back of the line. Shit. I can't believe Ruthie would tell them that.

I sit down and begin digging in. This is delicious and definitely hitting the spot. It's the best food I've eaten this entire trip. Elliot flops down in the chair next to me and gives me a wink before digging into his food. I pause, my fork filled with conch salad, frozen right at the entrance to my mouth. Something's different about him. Is he flirting with me or are we getting back to being friends again? Is that even possible? I finally take my bite, enjoying the burst of flavors. This is delicious.

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