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I knew running away would be lonely. It hasn't even been a month yet and I'm so unbelievably lonely. I knew I would miss everyone, but I didn't realize how hard it would be to have nobody to turn to. Nobody to talk to that knows my soul. Nobody to love.

This town though... It's hard not to smile even though my heart is hurting. Everyone is so nice here and they've been really accepting of me. I'm not sure I can stay here forever though. I've peeked online and the news of my disappearance is making rounds. I shouldn't be surprised by this. I'm a nobody but my mom and dad aren't. Running away when my dad's a celebrity might end up being harder than I thought. I refuse to stalk anyone's social media accounts. It'll break me to see what they've said. I have to stay strong. That's the only way I'll survive.

"Do you want your usual, Bert?" I ask the elderly man as I pour his cup of coffee.

"It's only been three weeks but you know me so well already, miss Rose," he chuckles. When I came to this small country town in Spain, I gave everyone my grandma's name. I hadn't planned out what to tell people and her face flashed in my mind. So I became Rose.

"You're my favorite, Bert. Of course I know your order," I wink. He's a really nice man. He's always so kind and funny. He tips really good too. "What can I get you?" I ask the younger woman sitting with him. I've never seen her in here before. My stomach seizes in my chest at the strange look she's giving me. I'm not sure why, but it's making me uncomfortable.

"You're Cora McKenzie. They're looking for you." Shit. Of course that look made me uncomfortable because she recognizes me. I swallow through the thick ball of panic in my throat.

I force a smile on my face. "Oh you are definitely mistaken. I'm Rose. I've been told I look like her before. Heard she's missing. Such a sad story. I hope she's ok." She definitely doesn't believe me. She continues to study me and my heart begins to pound in fear.

"Who's Cora McKenzie?" Bert asks.

"I'll show you," she says and pulls out her phone. I feel the room closing in on me. My little safe haven has been shattered. I knew it would catch up with me eventually, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Is there anything I can get you?" I ask her, interrupting them. She gives me her order. As I walk away, I see her showing Bert my picture. I quickly deliver their orders to the cook.

"Sophia," I say to the other waitress. "I'm going to take my break."

"Sure thing." I bolt out the back door and sprint to my apartment. When I say this town has been amazing, I meant it. I'm staying over the pizzeria. They let me move into this apartment, without making me pay, until I found a job. It would be a perfect place to raise my baby, but it's not meant to be. I call an Uber and shove all my stuff into a bag. I throw some cash on the table for rent. I glance around to make sure I have everything. I never really unpacked for this exact reason.

I have the Uber take me to a hotel a few towns over. My fear is eating me alive. How am I suppose to hide? What am I suppose to do now? I can't go home. I can't. I need to get far away. I need a new identity. How do I get that? I grab my list of phone numbers and call the one person who I'm hoping can help me.

"Hey. It's Cora," I nervously say.

"Cora? Thank god! Are you alright? I've been worried sick."

"I am. It's a long story and I promise I'll tell you, but I need your help, Lindsey."

"Of course. Anything. What do you need?"

"I need a new identity. Do you know anyone who can help me?"

I hear her exhale sharply into the phone. "Cora, sweetie, whatever you're running from doesn't matter. You need to come home."

I'm so scared and frustrated that tears begin to fall from my eyes. "I can't, ok? Can you help me or not?" I yell.

"Just call your dad. He loves you so much."

"Never mind. I'll figure something else out."

"Wait! I'll help you as long as you promise to stay in contact with me. If I do this, I need to know that you're really ok. Promise?"

"Deal." There's no way I'm keeping this promise. I don't trust that she won't end up ratting me out. Nobody can know where I go.

"Alright. I know a girl from prison who mentioned her husband did stuff like this. Let me call her. I should be able to get you an entirely new identity. Where are you going?"

"I'm not sure yet." New York keeps popping into my mind. I've heard it's a really big city and even though it's in the States, it's still far away from Faye and Aria. Surely I can get lost there, right?

"Ok. Is this a good number I can reach you at?"


"I'll be in touch soon."

"Please hurry. Someone recognized me and I have to get out of here fast."

"Cora..." I hear it in her voice. She doesn't like this. "Ok. I'll do my best."

The next day, I meet a scary man at a fast food joint. He hands me a folder. "Everything you need is in there," he says with a deep and gruff voice.

"Will this get me into the United States?" I whisper.

"Yes. No worries. Nobody will question it. I discreetly hand him an envelope with cash. "There's extra in there for you as long as you completely forget this. Don't tell your wife or Lindsey."

"I've already forgotten," he nods.

I grab the stuff and quickly leave. My heart is pounding. Once I'm safely in the backseat of an Uber, I peek in the folder. Alyssa Nicole Williams. That's my new name. There's a birth certificate. Passport. UK drivers license. Credit card. There's even a US Visa. I'm nervous. How illegal is this? How much trouble will I get in if I'm caught? I can't worry about that right now.

I have the Uber drive me to a different town. Here, I purchase hair bleach. I need to change my appearance fast. It was too easy for that girl to recognize me. This won't be enough, but it's a start. I'll need to do something about my eyes. They're too unique and look exactly like my dad's. I need to blend in. I need to hide. I can't be found.

Seeing my body begin to change solidifies this. I'm fifteen weeks pregnant now. What if that girl realized I was pregnant? Would my secret get out then? I have a tiny baby bump now. It's surreal and I have moments where I wish Elliot could see it. When I think of the baby growing in me, I'm terrified though. I don't know how I'm going to get through this on my own. I want my mom. One step at a time.

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