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"Do you have to go?" Cora whines. I pull her closer, not wanting to leave.

"I wish, but I have to work." She pouts out her bottom lip and I chuckle. "Not all of us have rich daddies who pay for everything."

"That's not fair. I work."

"At your dad's bakery," I wink.


"I'm only messing with you, Cora." I hug her tight and kiss the top of her head.

"I don't want you to leave. I have no idea when I'll be seeing you again." She leans up to kiss me good bye.

We're at the airport and my flight back to Scotland is soon. These past two weeks have been a whirlwind. I went from heartbroken to being in love. Not that I wasn't always in love with her. That's why I was so heartbroken. I hate leaving her now. So much is unknown. She got her acceptance letter to Glasgow University. I'm beyond excited, but it doesn't mean she's going there. She was really upset when she didn't officially get into Oxford. She's on the waiting list there, which is incredible. She got in. They just don't have room for her yet. That's automatically a no though. She doesn't want to put college off. Now she's just waiting to hear from Cambridge. She's so smart that I'm sure she'll get it. I'm selfishly hoping she won't so she'll be with me. If she gets into Cambridge, she'll definitely go there and the thought of not being with her, hurts. I snap out of my thoughts. I can mull over this on the plane. Not now. Not these last few seconds I've got her in my arms.

"I'm glad I was able to visit London for a few days. I'll see you soon though. Somehow," I wink and pull her in for another kiss. When I glance up, I notice a small group of people photographing us. "Shit," I say as I wrap my arm protectively around Cora. An uneasiness settles in the pit of my stomach.

"Fuck," she whispers. She buries her face against my chest, hiding. There's only three paparazzis but bystanders are now curiously surrounding us too. They must have published the article. That is the only explanation as to why this is happening. I can't leave her alone to deal with this by herself. I glance at my watch. I'm totally going to miss my fight. Shit.

"Cora, where have you been?"
"Cora, were you really ever missing?"
"CoCo, why the secrecy?"
"That's CoCo?"
"That's Cora? Cora McKenzie?"

Questions are being thrown at her and murmurs from the crowd arises as people pull their cellphones out. Fuck. This is an awful feeling. I tug on Cora, escorting her through the crowd, trying to get us back to her car. She has put her sunglasses on, and is looking down cuddled against my chest as we move. I cling tightly to her. I'm feeling panicky so I can't imagine what this feels like for her. She's blindly allowing me to get her out of this mess. I'm thankful it happened before I boarded the plane. The thought of her dealing with this alone makes me sick.

"CoCo! Over here!"
"Why did you hide your identity?"
"Tell us about yourself."
"Where have you been?"
"Who's the guy?"
"Why were you missing?"
"Why all the secrecy?"

The questions don't stop. I want to yell, but I bite my tongue and keep walking. Luckily most of the bystanders are now giving us space. It's just these three annoying assholes causing problems. They follow us outside and into the parking lot. I walk Cora to the passenger door of her car and open it for her. She quickly jumps in and buries her face in her hands. I feel better now that she's in the safety of the car.

I quickly drive back to her house. She doesn't say anything the entire trip. I rub her thigh in a weak attempt to comfort her. I'm anxious too and I need to touch her for my own comfort. I've never experienced anything like that. How do celebrities live feeling like they are constantly being followed or attacked? I feel violated and they weren't after me.

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