The Old Me

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I bolt upright with confusion when the curtains are pulled open. Bright sunlight filters into the room, instantly removing the darkness. I quickly realize I'm still in Bradly's bed, but who is this older woman looking at me with surprise?

"I am so sorry, Ms. You must be Mr. Astor's latest conquest." What the hell is that suppose to mean? "He didn't notify me that he had a guest staying over. I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you. Please do forgive me." Latest conquest? Of course I am. He's Bradley Astor. He has women throwing themselves at him. What would he want with me?

I pull the covers tighter around my naked body. "I'm sorry, but who are you again?"

"Oh dear. Where are my manners today? I'm Sadie, Mr. Astor's maid. I clean and run the household for him. As mentioned, he did not inform me of your presence before he left for the day. I sincerely apologize."

"It's ok. He's not here then?"

"No ma'am. He's a busy man. He's always in the office by six sharp."

"Oh. Right."

"Can I get you anything, dear? Perhaps you'd like some breakfast?"

"No thank you. I'm fine." I feel stupid. How did I allow myself to get sucked into this? Because I wanted to get laid and he's Bradley Astor.

"Very well." She quickly walks towards the door.


"Yes, Ms?"

"Does Mr. Astor bring women here often?"

"He has on occasion, yes, but they've never been allowed to stay until morning." She gives me a smile as she closes the door behind her. I don't know why, but that makes me smile. He kicks the girls out of his bed but he let me stay. Maybe last night was more than just great sex.

- So you destroyed my dress and left me here naked in your bed? How am I suppose to leave?

- Oh shit!
- It's just my master plan to keep you waiting there naked for me so I can ravish your body again.

- Lol

- Help yourself to my clothes and I'll have my driver take you home if you'd like. You are more than welcome to stay though.

- I'm sure Sadie would love to hang out with me.

- Oh shit. I forgot to tell her you were there. I take it you already met her?

- Yes. Lol. She woke me up.

- I am so sorry.

- No. It's fine.

- I have to get to a meeting now. Can I take you out tonight?

- That depends. Are you going to destroy my dress again?

- That depends on if you're going to be a good girl or not.

I can't stop my smile.

- I'd love too.

- Perfect. I'll see you later.

I cuddle back into his soft bed with a huge smile on my face. My mind flashes through memories from last night. It was amazing and I'm excited to do that again. My thoughts soon drift to Elliot though and I relive the time he took my virginity. I remember the pain and the panic in his eyes as he realized I really was a virgin. I remember how he became so gentle and instantly the pain gave way to a pleasure I had never felt before. I still have never felt anything like that since.

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