Surprise Ending

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The Ritz Restaurant is as opulent as the name implies. A dress code is required and I'm relieved that I'm dressed appropriately, though this dress might be a tad too sexy. The decor is over the top ornate. It's ostentatious and gaudy. The food is miniature works of art with flavors that explode in your mouth though. The whole thing is an experience. It almost reminds me of McDonahew's. My dad will bring us here for special occasions; anniversaries, graduations, birthdays, random accomplishments. It's delicious but I feel bad that Elliot is spending so much. It's not cheap. I'm not complaining though because I cannot wait to eat their salmon again. It's making my mouth water, just thinking about it.

Elliot looks a tad overwhelmed as he studies the menu. "Bloody hell," he mumbles and I stifle a giggle. "I don't know what to order. Like, should we go for the five course menu? Maybe the three course? Oh, how about arts de la table?" He leans close and whispers, "What the fuck?" I can't help but giggle at him. "I'm out classed here. I think you're gonna need to take the lead."

"Var salmon for me."

"You say that with so much confidence."

"It's so good. For you though," I skim the menu, "I'd suggest the cutlet and fillet of lamb." I look expectantly at him.

"Sounds good to me," he shrugs and tosses his menu aside. The man is a bottomless pit and will eat absolutely anything. I was mortified when grandma Rose first gave him haggis. He scarfed that nasty shit down like it was chocolate cake.

Our waiter comes over and gives us a slight bow. Elliot's eyebrows shoot up and I'm quickly realizing this might be entertaining. He's clearly never been to a place quite like this before. "Good evening. Might I recommend our Beef Wellington tonight, sir?"

"No thank you. The lady will have the salmon and I'll take the cutlet and fillet of lamb."

"Perfect, sir."

"Give us your best bottle of champagne too." I quickly shake my head no and Eli scrunches his brows at me. "No?" I show him the price and his eyes bug out. "Give us your cheapest bottle of champagne."

Our waiter looks surprised. "Very well, sir." He gives a small head bow before departing.

"Elliot," I squeal finally releasing the giggle I was holding in.

"What? I told you I'm out classed here. This isn't my world."

I can't stop smiling at him. He makes me so happy. "I'm glad you're not part of this stuffy world. Boring."

"Who even dumps that kind of money on champagne?"

"My dad," I giggle.

He chuckles but turns serious when our waiter returns. He shows Elliot the bottle of champagne and Eli nods in response. We sit quietly while he silently pops the cork and pours a tiny amount in Elliot's glass. The waiter looks expectantly at Elliot and he just returns his stare. I bite my lip, trying not to laugh. "You need to taste it," I whisper. With all the guests I served at McDonahew's, I've never had someone not know the etiquette. I wonder what our waiter is thinking of us.

"Right. I knew that," he shrugs. He takes a sip. "Perfect?" It comes out sounding like a question instead of a statement and I struggle not to laugh again. Our waiter breaks his serious facade and cracks a smile. So he's amused by this. He fills my glass before topping off Elliot's. "That was embarrassing," Elliot chuckles as the waiter leaves our table.

"I think you might be entertaining to him... and me."

"I feel foolish."

"It's honestly a different world. You'll know what to do next time."

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