End of an Era

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Emotions are high. I feel a lump in my throat but I'm sure as all hell not going to cry in front of these guys right now. We hold our shot glasses high in the air. "One hell of a concert," I say. "To the best band mates and friends I could have ever asked for. It's been one hell of a ride."

"To the music. To the whores. To friendships and memories." Steven adds.

"I can't top that," Tucker laughs.

Ross agrees. "Yeah. I've got nothing."

"To us," I say and we down our shots as Cora and Ruthie come barging into the room. Cora runs to tackle me. She doesn't knock me over, I just easily catch her in my arms.

"Amazing concert," I hear Ruthie say.

Cora gives me a huge kiss. "It was amazing. I can't believe I'll never see you guys perform again."

That sadness weighs heavy on my chest. That was our last concert. We're graduating this week. I'm continuing my schooling here with Cora. Tucker is going back home to work at his dad's bank. Steven is moving to Manchester to open his own bar. Ross is sad after his breakup with Amber, so he's going to the States to study abroad for a year. Ruthie has a job at a graphic design firm in her hometown. We're all adults now. We're all moving on. This is the end of an era. I'm trying to be all manly and tough but I'm not ready to let go of all of this. It's almost like officially saying good bye to our childhood, even though we haven't been kids for a long time now.

"Never say never," Steven says. "We won't have gigs like this but we'll definitely be playing together again."

"What am I going to do around here with you all gone?" Cora asks sadly.

"Same thing you have been doing this past year; Elliot," Steven chuckles.

"Shut up. You know what I mean. I'm going to miss all of you."

"Me too," Ruthie sadly agrees. "I wish I could rewind time and start college all over again."

"I don't," Cora says. "These last four years haven't really been good for me. I'd redo this last year though." I agree with Cora. You couldn't pay me to go back and relive some of this. This last year has been beyond amazing though. I'm sad but I'm excited for the future. We may be without all our friends, but Cora and I are going to have an amazing time next year.

"Enough of the sap," Steven says. "We're going out to party hard tonight." The girls cheer and we begin clearing out of the room.

"Ruthie." Her and Cora both turn and look at me. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"No secrets," Cora pouts.

I laugh at her and kiss that pouted lip. "I just need a second."

"Come on," Tucker says as he throws his arms over her shoulders and leads her out of the room. I told him I'd probably need help getting her out of here so I could talk to Ruthie.

"What's up?" Ruthie asks once we're alone.

"You free tomorrow? I need your help running a tiny errand."

"Sure," she says cautiously. "You gonna tell me what this errand is?"

I can't stop the huge smile from forming on my face. "I'm going to propose to Cora."

Ruthie squeals and flies into my arms. "Wait. I thought she turned you down." She pulls back and gives me a worried look.

"She did," I nervously say. "That was almost a year ago though. The timing makes sense now. Plus, I'm doing it right this time. I'm planning this out and buying a ring. She can't turn me down if I have a ring, right?"

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