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"Race ya back," I yell to my dad after our morning run.

"You're on!" He says as we both start sprinting the remaining distance to our house. We're both panting for breath when we come to a stop.

"Take that old man! I beat you! I beat you!" I dance around him in victory. He really only came in a few steps behind me.

"I let you win, cupcake," he says as we barrel in the house.

"In your dreams, old man!" I gloat.

"Fine! Rematch tomorrow and I'm not letting you win."

"Oh you're on!" I toss him a bottle of water and we slouch down at the kitchen island. "Mom!" She gives me a smile as she walks in the kitchen. "You need to run with us tomorrow to watch me kick dad's ass again."

"Language, Cora," my mom says. "I'm more cheerleader than runner."

My phone goes off.

- Have you asked yet?

- Working up the courage now.

- Good luck, baby.

I miss him. It's been a week since his lips were last attached to mine. After becoming official we spent the rest of that trip making out. We just knew it would be a long time and we couldn't stop. It's crazy that we've been dating for a week already. Long distance sucks though.

I look up and my dad is rolling his eyes. "Elliot?"


"Is this Elliot my best friend or Elliot my boyfriend?" He asks.

"Both?" I hesitantly answer.

"Aww! Congratulations, Cora! I'm happy for you, sweetie." My mom hugs me tightly.

"Yeah... yay... whooo..." my dad says with sarcasm.

"So, I've been thinking of my future and I want to start college next year."

"That's a great idea," my mom's face lights up with excitement. "I wasn't sure if you'd end up going or not."

"Yeah. I'm still working through what I want to major in but I think I might want to help people like me."

"Proud of you, kiddo," my dad smiles.

"So you'll really let me go?"

"Of course I would," he answers and I sigh with relief. For some reason I thought he would fight me on this.

I give him a tight hug. "You really are the bestest dad ever. I'm the luckiest." I feel him melt. I figured out a long time ago that those words turn him into a giant mushy puddle of emotions. I need him to be a mushy puddle right now.

Oliver walks in and hops up on the counter. Mom gives him a look but says nothing. It's been a fight she's given up on a long time ago since my dad sits on the counter too. If she can't get him to stop, how is she suppose to get Oli?

"I was also thinking about moving back in with grandma now." I suck my lips in and wait. I just dropped a bomb and I know it's exploding in my dad's mind.

"Not gonna happen, cupcake."

"That's not fair, dad. Please."

"Ok. Why then? Why do you want to move to Glasgow?" He asks with those inquisitive eyes drilling into me.

"Because I made a lot of friends there and I was enjoying the life I was creating."

"Sure. You want to be with Elliot. I'm not stupid, kid."

"Is that so wrong though?"

"You're not moving to Scotland to be with him."

"You moved to be with mom."

"I didn't move to be with her until I was 25 and proposing to her."

"So? What would you have done if you were me? Would you have settled for long distance?"

"Different situations, Cora." He's getting annoyed but only because he knows I'm right. At the age of 18, my dad definitely would have followed my mom anywhere if he had known her.

"I'd think you'd want them to live closer together," Oliver says as he winks at me. "Won't separation make them more hot and horny for each other?"

Dad screams and covers his ears. "Bloody hell, Oliver! I think my ears are bleeding! That's it. You're becoming a nun," he points at me. "Find a convent or something, Jessa."

Oliver is cracking up which is just pissing dad off more. "Should I find a chastity belt for her, dad?"

"Yes! Lets lock that thing up."

I roll my eyes but I'm giggling too. "Listen. No need to freak out but Oli has a point. I don't want to end up having sex sooner just because we miss each other."

He throws his head on the counter. "I give up. This is over my parental capabilities. Tag you're it, Jessa. I'm passing you the baton on this one." He keeps his head down and groans. Mom rubs his back.

She gives me a small smile. "Is Elliot the only reason why you want to move to Scotland?"

"He's a big reason, but no. I was really enjoying myself there before everything went sideways."

My dad stands up and walks to the fridge. "No," he says. "The answer's no."

"Fine dad. Then you're flying me out more often to visit."

"No. I'm not flying you to another country for a booty call."

"It's not a booty call! It's to spend time with my boyfriend and friends."

He turns and studies me. "Here's the way I see it. Since you want to be with him so bad, I assume you've already decided that's where you're going to Uni. I won't stop that. I'm putting my foot down with this though."

"Daddy, please."

"Bobby," my mom says and I look towards her with hope. She doesn't say anything though. They just look at each other like they're having a silent conversation.

My dad sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Cora, I'm not ready to let you go. I need you here." He looks so sad and my heartbreaks. He's nervous about my mental health. I can't blame him for this. "I will fly you out to visit though. Deal?"

"Yes!" I throw him a huge smile as I rush into his arms.

"I love you, cupcake."

"Love you too, daddy." Not what I was hoping for, but it's better than nothing. At least I'll get to see Elliot, hopefully soon.

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