This Thing Between Us

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I wanted to spend time with Cora before the concert, but her flight came in too late. We've spent the last week texting and talking like crazy. It's clear now that Cora doesn't want to talk about when we had sex. I'd like to though. I want to know for sure if she was a virgin. I want to know how she feels about it. Of all the times I've fantasized of having sex with her, it was never like that. She deserved better and I have so much regret with how it all played out.

I can't believe Bobby and Jessa let her come. Bobby was not happy with me and he definitely let me know it. I get it though. I promised I'd give her plenty of space and I didn't end up doing that. When she called on Christmas Eve, there was no way I could avoid her any longer. I missed her so fucking much that it hurt. I understand why Bobby's mad. She tried to kill herself not that long ago so maybe this is too soon for her. Still though, isn't being in each other's lives better than not? Now that I know, I can really make sure she stays safe.

- Kick ass tonight! Ruthie and I pushed our way to the front.

Fuck. I can't wait to see her. It's going to be so hard to see her there and not be able to hug her. I just have to get through this concert first...

"Happy New Year!" I yell into the microphone. "We've got one more for you tonight. Let's rock out!"

We jump into our last song. The concert has been kick ass. We're getting a huge following and it's insane. The party vibe is pumping me up. I've struggled not to stare at Cora the entire time. She looks fucking hot. She's going to make this friendship zone thing damned near impossible. She's wearing some kind of strapless, silver, sparkly top and shiny, black leggings. Her boobs and ass look amazing. Her and Ruthie are having a blast dancing and singing along. I found myself more or less serenading her as I sing; staring at her and nobody else. I can't help myself though. My eyes crave her.

As the song ends, the boys run off, but I jump off the front of the stage. I hear screams from nearby girls, but I instantly have Cora in my arms. She's giggling so loud and it's music to my heart.

"Elliot! You're all sweaty!"

I sit her back on the ground and I know I have a cheesy smile on my face. "Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer."

"What about me?" Ruthie says with a small smile.

"Yeah. You too. I'm obviously excited to see you again since I last saw you this morning," I say with sarcasm, making Cora giggle again.

I grab Cora's hand and lead her into the back room where I find the rest of the band. Steven is still bouncing off the walls. It always takes him a bit to calm down after a gig.

Tucker chuckles when we walk in. "I knew you couldn't stand seeing her there." I smirk at him. Since Tucker is my best friend, he obviously knows everything that happened with Cora and how I feel about her. "Yep. Couldn't help myself," I give her a wink. "Don't go anywhere, bestie. I'm going to change."

Tucker walks over and pulls her into a hug. "It's good to have you back, Cora."

"Thanks. Awesome concert," I hear her say as I run to shower.

She's sitting on the couch with Ruthie, laughing at something Ross is saying when I get back into the room. I walk straight towards her and grab her hand. "Come on." She waves to Ruthie as she allows me to lead her from the room. I take her to the bar and get us each a shot.

"Happy New Year, Coco."

"Happy New Year," she smiles brightly at me. Fuck she's gorgeous and I'm sure I'm giving her a goofy look. I can't help myself though.

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