Trevor Miles

65 3 13


**** Flashback.

I sit in the back of the dark theater. I know I shouldn't be here. Why would I want to give Trevor a chance to bully me more than usual? My only friend, Patty, is in theater though. I want to support her, so here I am. The only problem is that Mallory, Trevor's girlfriend, is in theater also. As long as I leave right at the end, I should be able to escape without running into him.

This is the least I can do. I can tell that Patty is getting annoyed with what's happening to me. I'm not fun to be around anymore. She's sticking with me out of loyalty, but she doesn't want to deal with this drama. She just wants to enjoy being a teenager. So I'm obviously coming to watch her no matter what. She deserves my support.

I love the theater. I always enjoyed watching my drama queen sister, Aria, preform. When Patty told me they were do Les Misérables, I knew I wasn't missing this. It's been my favorite since mom and dad took us to see it at the London Theater.

The crowd erupts and I jump to my feet in applause. It's only a second before I bolt for the exit in the back. I slip my bag across my body as I cling to my car keys and make my way out the building. With each step, I'm feeling more relieved. As I throw the door open, I breathe in the crisp spring air. I round the corner and I'm jarred off my feet. I fall hard to the payment.

"Well look at that," Trevor's voice taunts me. "Someone forgot to throw their trash away. They just threw it here on the ground. Such a shame." The tears running down my face are not because I'm hurt, though my hand is stinging. They're not because of the words he's saying to me, though they do hurt my soul. No, I'm crying because I'm exhausted. I'm tired of this. I just need it to all end. "You smell that, boys?" Trevor takes a huge breath of air. "Smells like rotten trash. Fat, disgusting, rotten trash."

The guys all laugh as I pick myself up off the ground. I will not just lay here at his feet. I will not give him that pleasure at all. "Grow up," I spit out as I angrily wipe my tears. My words make them all laugh even harder. I take off sprinting towards my car. At least I know I can outrun Trevor if needed. We use to run together, back when he was my friend.

End of Flashback. ****

I jerk awake, covered in sweat. "Fuck," I mumble into the darkness. I hate when these memories visit me at night. It's one thing to fight with them during the day, but completely different when it's nighttime. I should be able to escape at night, not relive everything.

I wander downstairs to get a glass of water when I hear sniffles. "Grandma?" I tentatively call out. I find her sitting in her living room, staring out the dark window. "You ok?"

"I am, sweetheart. I just miss grandpa at night." My stomach drops with sadness. Here I am feeling sorry for myself and she's in pain. My Grandpa Clyde died unexpectedly last month. It was one of the reasons why mom and dad agreed to let me come here to stay. They thought it might be good for both of us.

"I'm sorry, Grandma. I miss him too." I look helplessly at her tears and I just want to see her smile. "I came down for water, but maybe we should raid the ice cream instead?"

She laughs and follows me into the kitchen. "Late night ice cream with my girl sounds fun. Just don't tell your dad," she winks.

I giggle. "What daddy doesn't know, won't hurt him. It'll be our little secret." We cling our spoons together and dig into the carton.

"Remember that summer all you kids stayed here?" I nod my head. Of course I remember. How could I ever forget? "Remember how grandpa set up a tent in the backyard and planned this huge camp out?"

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