Moving Day

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The green countryside hazes by and I can't help but smile. The last time I sat in this car driving through the Scotland countryside, I was in such a bad place. Now, I'm actually looking forward to my future; my future with Elliot. I chose him. I chose Glasgow. My parents weren't happy with my decision to walk away from Cambridge. There were a lot of arguments and discussions. Even Elliot, with how badly he wants to be close to me, he tried to talk me into going to Cambridge too.

**** Flashback.

The air is so thick with tension that I'm seriously considering bolting to my room and letting my parents and Elliot stew in it themselves. I've made my decision and nothing they say is going to change my mind now. It's annoying too because it's one of the few times Elliot is visiting London this summer and I don't want to waste his visit hashing over something we've already beat to death.

"It's Cambridge though," my dad says in disbelief as he throws his hands in the air. "You've got to pick Cambridge. There's nothing special about Glasgow but Cambridge is everything."

"Dad, I'm seriously over this conversation. Mom, make him stop."

"I'm with your dad on this one. I don't understand your reasonings."

"We've been through this," I say with annoyance.

"Yeah, but your excuses aren't good enough," dad responds. Elliot now looks uncomfortable. Everyone in this rooms knows he's the main reason. I've been honest about it. "You're my smart daughter and I need to be able to brag about my daughter being a Cambridge alumni."

I roll my eyes at him. "So I'm suppose to go there to give you bragging rights?"

"No!" His voice shoots up. "You're suppose to go there for your own bragging rights. Think what that will do to your résumé. Think of all the opportunities you'll have. You have to go there."

"I've thought of all of that and I'm not going there. End of." I have went over every pros and cons of both. In the end, it's Elliot and Glasgow. He's continuing his education after he graduates this year, so he'll be there for awhile. This makes sense for me and us. I'm excited with my choice. It just feels right. This is my chance to be a young adult, maybe a kid again. I feel like I missed out on so much with the bullying, my mental health, running away, and the baby. I'm just excited to go to college with Elliot.

"End of nothing," he fumes. "I'm paying for this."

"Not all of it. I've got scholarships and Glasgow is cheaper."

"I don't care about the price, especially when it comes to your education."

Elliot clears his throat. "I agree with your parents."

"See," dad yells pointing towards Elliot. "He's smart. He gets it."

"This really is ridiculous. You can't turn down Cambridge for me. I'm not going to let you do that."

"I knew I always liked you," my dad pats his back. Right. He absolutely loves him now that it benefits him.

"How exactly are you going to stop me, Elliot? Break up with me?"

His eyes narrow in anger. Sore subject. "Fuck no! Sorry," he mumbles glancing towards my mom.

Mom walks over and gives me a tight hug. I see her brain working. She's trying to figure out what to say to appear on my side right now. Typical. "You know we'll support you no matter what you decide. Just, really think on it. You don't have a lot of time, but make sure you're doing this for you. Not Elliot. Not dad. Not me. You. I'm afraid you'll regret it if you don't go to Cambridge."

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