Playing Dress Up

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"There is no way I'm putting on one of those dresses," mom says as she adamantly shakes her head no.

"Come on mom," Faye whines. "It'll be fun."

"I've always wanted to play dress up in them," Aria laughs. "Where are they? I know you've kept them."

"I'm not telling. I'm not trying on those dresses." She's serious too. I can tell she absolutely doesn't want to. I sit down on her bed and check the time. Elliot should be here soon. I haven't seen him in three weeks and I feel like I'm dying without him. I miss him so much.

"DAAAAADDDDDD!!!!" Aria shrills at the top of her lungs.

"Geez!" I scream as we all cover our ears. "That was uncalled for." Why is she so freaking loud?

"What?" Aria shrugs innocently. "He's coming."

You can hear him sprinting from somewhere in the house. She probably gave him a heart attack screaming like that. "What?! What's wrong?" His wild eyes scan the room taking all of us in. When he realizes we're all fine, he holds up his finger asking for a moment, then bends over pretending to catch his breath. We all know he's full of shit. The man goes for daily runs. I'm the only one to giggle at him. "Alright. Dad's here. What's the problem?"

"Where's mom's Love Island clothes? We want to play dress up."

"Nope," he says. "I do not want to see you girls in those dresses. Plus, that Rennell boy will be here soon." He points at me. "Definitely not."

"But do you want to see mom?" Aria wiggles her eyebrows with the question.

Dad looks at mom in a way that makes me uncomfortable. I have to turn away from his eyes that I swear get darker. I love their affection but this look is a little too passionate for me. "Damn right I do. I'll go get them."

"Yes!" Faye and Aria cheer.

"Bobby!" Mom sternly says as he walks from the room.

He peeks his head back in and points at her. "I expect a fashion show, Lass." Mom shakes her head at him but she has a grin on her face. I love them.

As soon as dad sits a large plastic box on the floor, the twins and I dive in. Sparkles and silky fabrics are being tossed everywhere. Mom's just sitting there with a small smile as she looks at different pieces of clothing. I'm sure she has really happy memories from her time on the show. I can't believe how skimpy these bikini's and dresses are though. Some of them put the dresses and bikini's Ruthie made me buy to shame. How in the world did mom wear these? How did she have the confidence for them? When I watched the show, she always looked so comfortable in her body, regardless of what she had on. Actually, she's always been like that.

"These are totally back in style," Faye gushes. "I'm trying this one on." She takes off into the bathroom. I didn't see what she had.

"How did this cover your tits and ass?" Aria asks as she holds up a pastel purple dress.

"That is a ridiculously tiny dress," I add with my mouth hanging open.

"I wore that when your dad and I went for our first Villa date. I couldn't sit in the thing, it was so short." She has a huge smile as she stares at it. More amazing memories, I'm sure.

"No wonder you hooked dad. I'm trying this one on." She bolts from the room and mom shakes her head as she watches her leave.

"Your dad will not like seeing her in that dress. We can only hope she changes before he comes up. Do you want to try one on?"

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