My Mystery

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Once again I shake my head at Ava as she picks out my outfit. "I don't even want to go to this and you're making we wear something I'm uncomfortable in."

"Not true. I gave you baggy-ish pants." It's true. I am wearing loose fit jeans. They are high waisted with a tie belt that cinches the material. The edges are raw and frayed. They are cuffed up and I'm wearing strappy black heels. It's perfect. I'm good with all that. It's the damn top though. She has me wearing a black sports bra style crop top. It looks like I threw my shirt off to show everyone my sports bra. I look at my cleavage and I cringe. I'm not as well endowed as the twins are, but I've filled out and I have a decent handful. Still, I'm not sure what my feelings are on showing my cleavage and yet again, my stomach.

She doesn't care though. She's piling on different sizes of gold necklaces that fall above, at and below my boobs. I slip on my heavy assortment of bracelets and some small gold hoops. My makeup is simple. Just some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. My long hair is left down and my loose curls fall low on my back. I can appreciate the entire look she's put together. I'm just not sure though. It's not me. I don't think it looks good on me.

"I don't know, Ava. I don't even want to go."

"Why? You said you had fun catching up with him Sunday. Why wouldn't you keep hanging out?"

"Because he hurt me. I don't want to open myself up to that hurt again."

"I get that, but he was just a kid. You can't close yourself off to a friendship for a mistake he made then." She gives me a funny look. "Or is the problem that you want more than friendship from Eli?"

"What? No! Of course not! I can assure you that I wouldn't want anything more than friendship from Elliot, if that at all. You do realize that I've had two boy best friends and they've both hurt me. One obviously more than the other. It's not that surprising that I don't feel comfortable just jumping right back into one."

"Yeah. I get that. I do. Elliot isn't Trevor though. Yes, he hurt you but he was young and stupid. You had fun with him the other day so I say you open yourself up to friendship. It might do you good, Cora. He's your oldest friend. You have history together. Just my two cents anyway."

I hear the doorbell ring and grandma talking to Eli. Her excitement at seeing him again fills the house. "I need a moment. Can you go save him from grandma and maybe get her out of there so she doesn't see me in this outfit you picked out?"

"Sure thing. Have fun tonight. You deserve it." She gives me a hug before bouncing downstairs.


Grandma Rose is definitely happy to see me. I've missed her too. She was always kind and fun. She was the grandmotherly figure I needed that summer my parents were divorcing. She sure wasn't afraid to punish me when I acted out of line though.

Ava comes bounding down the stairs, interrupting our conversation. "Grandma! Wanna go out to dinner with me?"

"Oh yes, dear. It's been awhile since it's been just the two of us. Let me change real quick. It was good seeing you, Elliot. Don't be a stranger. I'll be expecting you to come around for a proper Sunday brunch soon."

"Yes, ma'am. Bye Ms Rosie." She gives me a big hug and walks out of the room.

Ava is scrutinizing me and I don't know why. "Cora will be down in a moment."

"She doesn't want to come, does she?"

"Nope," Ava laughs. "I reluctantly made her get dressed in an outfit she's uncomfortable wearing too." I raise my eyebrows at that. What could Cora possibly have on that she's so uncomfortable in? "Hey listen," Ava nervously says with a lowered voice. She glances towards the stairs and turns back to me. "I've been encouraging her to be friends with you again. I think it might be good for her and she really needs that right now. It's just... you can't hurt her. She's been through a lot and she's... delicate. I just really need you to be careful with her, ok? I'll kick your ass if you make her cry."

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