Change of Plans

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I stretch as I walk in the kitchen to find Elliot and Oliver scarfing down my dad's pancakes. "Morning."

"Well there's our sleepyhead," dad chuckles. "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to sleep the day away."

"Ha. Ha. I was just so tired from traveling yesterday." Elliot reaches for my hand and gives it a little squeeze as I walk past him. He has the cutest look on his face that makes me wonder what he's thinking about. I open the fridge and pour myself a glass of milk.

"Breakfast is served, cupcake." Dad sits my plate next to Elliot. I nudge against him as I take that seat. There's that cute smirk again.

"Morning," he says with his cute dimpled smile. He gives my bare shoulder a small kiss.

Oliver pushes Elliot back, leans over and whispers, "Saw that." I roll my eyes at him. He's acting like we're little kids.

"You're a dork."

"What's the plan today?" Dad asks as my phone goes off.

I reach for it and see a text from Bradley. I almost groan. Bradley and I have randomly been texting. I like staying in touch with him. He was the only person who was there for me, even if it was for such a short amount of time. The problem is Elliot though. I think Elliot is uncomfortable with Bradley. I let him read all our messages. I don't want him to feel like he has anything to worry about. He always shrugs me off like it's not a big deal, but then he'll read them anyway. Every once in awhile Bradley will ask if I'm still dating Elliot which I always remind him I am.

- Any chance you're in London? I'm here on business. I was wondering if I could take you out for drinks.

"Holy shit!" I say with surprise, interrupting something my mom was saying. I wasn't paying any attention to her.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asks.

"It's Bradley. He's in London. He wants to grab drinks tonight." There's an awkward tension that sweeps across the room with my words.

"Oh," my mom says looking at Eli then me. "I thought we could go shopping later today." We could still go shopping. I have all day.

Elliot clears his throat. "I'm sure you could do that tomorrow instead. Tomorrow's fine," he responds to my mom. What the hell is going on? Why do I have a feeling I'm missing something? Everyone seems uncomfortable now except Oliver.

"Who's Bradley?" He asks.

"Some guy I met in New York."

"Oh. Elliot got some competition?" If I were closer to him, I'd punch him.

"No. Not at all. I'm not going tonight unless Elliot comes with me. What do you think? Would you like to meet Bradley? Maybe you'll feel better about him afterwards."

Elliot looks sick, like the last thing on earth he'd want to do is go out with Bradley and I. "Yeah. Sure. If you want to grab drinks with Bradley, I'll come too." He looks so disappointed as he picks up his dishes and carry's them to the sink. I watch as dad pat's his back. Shit. Maybe this is a bad idea. I mean, Bradley and I have history together. Why would I introduce them? Why didn't I just tell Bradley I wasn't available? Or better yet, that I wasn't even in London? Now I'm worried I made a mess of things. I don't want Elliot feeling insecure about him.

"We don't have to go," I quickly say. "Actually, I think I'll just blow him off."

"Don't be silly. Let's go meet your friend," he struggles saying the word friend, "for drinks. It'll be fun." He whispers something to my mom, turns and smiles at me and walks out the room.

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