Miss You Already

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I unlock the front door and let myself in. Zeke is standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner. "Just in time. It's good to see you." He pats my shoulder and I see his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He has no time to say anything though as my mom runs into the room.

"Elliot!" She squeals, but stops in her tracks before actually pulling me into a hug. Instead, I watch her hands go to her hips and her mouth turns into a thin line. I call this her mom pose and it usually means I'm in trouble. "Elliot Blake Rennell," she yells. I was expecting this and I'm still not sure how to act. "You mind explaining to me why your neck is covered in those... things? I raised you better than that, young man. Do not act like your father."

"Hello to you too, mother." I close the distance between us and wrap her into my arms before kissing her cheek. "Love you."

She shakes her head and backs away. "Your charm doesn't work on me. I'm waiting for an explanation."

"It's not what you think."

"Right. Hickies are hickies," she sternly says in her mom pose. Zeke chuckles and mom scowls at him.

"A friend got really drunk and I took care of her. I was a gentlemen," I shrug. "She just, well, apparently she really liked me and this happened."


"I'm serious, mom," I nervously chuckle. "She was really really drunk. I wouldn't take advantage of her. You should be proud, not mad."

She gives me a look that tells me she doesn't believe me at all. "Right. Who is this girl? Some stranger you just met, I assume? You are just like your dad." Even after all these years, she has a hard time keeping the bitterness she feels towards dad hidden. I wish she would drop it. They divorced a long time ago. She's remarried. Drop it already. He's my dad and I'm tired of hearing it.

"Not a stranger. I told you she's a friend."

"Who? That Ruthie girl you were there with?"

I clear my throat and lean against the counter. "Cora."

My mom's mouth drops open in surprise. "Cora? Cora McKenzie?"

"No. Another Cora," I say with sarcasm. "Yes. My Cora."

"I didn't know she was going to be there? Are you ok?"

"I didn't know she was going either or I wouldn't have gone. I'm glad I did though because we got back together."

Mom screams and pulls me into a tight hug. I'm caught off guard by this reaction. She knows how much Cora hurt me so I expected her to be worried, not this. "You're really back together?"

"Yeah. We talked through a lot of things and, well, I just can't move on from her."

"Are you scared?" She reaches for my hand and pulls me to sit down.

"Honestly, a little. It's hard not to be. I feel good about this decision though. I'm happy."

"If you're happy, I'm happy for you," she hugs me again then she gives me a look. "So you expect me to believe those hickies were just from her being drunk? What would Bobby think?"

"Yes," I laugh. "Swear it. The girls went out and got really really drunk. She was a mess and I took care of her. Nothing happened. She's mortified about it."

"Hmm. If you say so."

"I'm serious, mom."


I shake my head. "You don't believe me, do you?"

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