Brewing Storm

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A groan pulls me from sleep. I glance over and see Elliot sitting up with his head in his hands. He looks really good this morning. Sadness filters though me as I think about last night. He's finished with me. "You ok?" I ask, ignoring my emotions.

"Hungover. How's the hand?" His voice is gruff and sounds so sexy right now.


He nods and stands up. "I need food."

I stand up and follow him out into the hall. "I'll cook."

"I don't need you to cook me breakfast."

Geez somebody's crabby this morning. "Don't flatter yourself. It's not just for you."

We walk downstairs to see Ruthie, Sylvia, Ross and Amber quietly standing around the kitchen. They all stare at us as we walk down. "Who is that?" Ruthie whispers pointing towards the couch.

"Some chick Tucker decided to fuck last night," Eli answers not even bothering to be quiet.

"Sleeping here!" Tucker calls out.

"Go to your own bed," Elliot responds. He's really angry today.

"Right, and see Steven's naked ass with his chick? No thanks."

"How many people fucking hooked up?" Ruthie pouts. "I want some dick."

"Should have found some," Elliot says as he starts digging through the cupboard.

"Where'd you sleep last night?" Ross asks Elliot.

"Cora's couch."

Tucker abruptly laughs. "When I told you to go cuddle her, I didn't think you'd take me serious."

"Fuck off. I slept on the couch you idiot," Elliot says with anger.

The room is filling with awkwardness and I feel the need to get the hell out of here. "I'm just going to go change." I turn to walk back up the stairs.

"Wear the iridescent bikini," Ruthie calls behind me.

"No way!" I yell back.

"Do as you're told, Barbie."

I stop on the stairs and stare back at her. "I'm not putting that on."

"Girl, rock your hot bod. Maybe we'll go to the main beach to find us some dicks today. Plus, you promised anyway."

"Grrr!" I flip her off as I stomp upstairs.

"Don't growl at me, bitch," she yells with a giggle.

I take a quick shower and grab the stupid bikini. I like the colors, but that's all I can say about it. It's a metallic iridescence, that shifts between blue, purple, pink, and green. I slip it on and it's way too sexy for me. I've never worn such a sexy bikini before. It's a string bikini that ties at my hips, back, and neck. The bottoms fall low and hardly cover my backside. I'm showing way too much ass. The top is skimpy and shows a lot of cleavage.

I study myself in the mirror. I look good in it. I know I do. It just makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to draw attention to myself and this suit will. I've never worn anything that shows this much of my body.

I flop down on my bed and search through my CoCo pictures. It's time to do another post. I select one from our photoshoot in Italy. This one was taken in an abandoned church.

I barely hit post before Ruthie comes barreling in my room and her face lights up when she sees I'm wearing it. "Yes, bitch! Come help me find what I'm wearing now." She drags me into her room and I glance through her bikini's.

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