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The rest of the weekend goes by quickly and I am so thankful that Mr. Bass didn't make another appearance. Come Monday morning, I head out for my run in a pair of navy running shorts and matching sports bra. It's going to be another painfully hot day. Sweat is just pouring from my body as I run.

Am I really going to see Bradley today? Surely not. He had to be messing with me. The whole thing is ridiculous. I see Mr. Bass running towards me and my nerves tick up. He gives me a small smile and doesn't say anything else. Maybe he just runs everyday and I've never noticed him before. I can't be angry at him for that. As long as he leaves me alone and doesn't show up at my work, we're good.

I run back to my apartment. It's too hot. The run wasn't as fun and relaxing as it typically is because of this heat. I slow to a jog and stop abruptly. I stand in shock as I see that bright orange sports car parked in front of my apartment with a way too sexy Mr. Astor leaning casually against it. He's wearing tight jeans and a baby blue button shirt. He removes his sunglasses and steps forward as he sees me.

"I guess this is why you didn't respond to my text." He glances down my body and I blush hard. I'm a sweaty mess but I think he's checking me out. This is insane. "I was beginning to feel like I was the stalker," he chuckles.

"Sorry. I run every morning. I didn't think..." I didn't think he'd actually show up. I'm still in shock. He's actually here, standing in front of me.

"You still wanting to learn how to drive this thing?" He pats the hood of his car.

"Sure. Yeah," I manage to say through my shock. "I need to shower and change first. Shit. I'm such a sweaty mess. I'm embarrassed to see what I look like. I'd invite you in but it's kind of a shit hole."

He laughs that sexy laugh of his. "I'm not an uptight person, Alyssa. I don't judge people based on what they do or don't have in life. I know how hard you work. I really don't mind but I can wait here if it makes you uncomfortable."

"No. It's fine. It's really hot out anyway. Come in." My embarrassment grows as we enter the building and begin climbing the steps. This is like some kind of a weird dream. I can't believe I just invited a strange man into my crappy apartment. At least it's clean so I won't come off as a slob. I open the door for him and he enters into my tiny apartment. "Well this is it. It's not much but it's home to me." He gives me a kind smile and says nothing. What would he say though? He's rich and he looks so out of place standing in my small apartment. I try to look at it through his eyes. It's one small room that is both my living room and kitchen. Against one wall are my appliances and the smallest counter space I've ever seen, with a couple of cabinets only. A small table with mismatched chairs are in the center of the room with a rough looking couch against the other wall. I usually keep my blinds closed on the windows. Sometimes I crack them if I'm craving sunlight. If you walk through the only other door in the room, it goes straight into my tiny bedroom that only has a bed. One door in there is a tiny closet and the other leads to the only bathroom. There are no decorations or anything. All I have is the necessities. "I'll hurry." I don't want him to sit here longer than he has to.

"Take your time." Yeah right.

I quickly jump in the shower and wash the sweat from my body. This is the perfect time to find out if Bradley is a creepo or not. If he has bad intentions, he'll attack me now. Maybe he just wants to be my friend. Would it be so bad to finally have a friend after all this time? Don't be silly. He's an Astor. Maybe he's bored and looking for fun. That's stupid too. There's nothing fun about me.

I quickly dry my hair. I have no time to straighten it. That takes too long and I don't want to leave him waiting. I take a risk and leave my curls. I pull them up in a high ponytail since they're a little frizzed out from the hairdryer. I slip on a silky pink tank top and my dark skinny jeans. It's so hot, I'd rather wear shorts, but that would make me look underdressed compared to him. I quickly add a few swipes of mascara and lip gloss.

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