Something's Going On

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"You coming tonight?" Steven asks as he opens a beer and flops down on the couch next to me.

"No. I'm taking Cora out to dinner." Maybe. I'm bothered. Everything about the last twenty four hours isn't sitting right. Not only was she uncharacteristically spaced out last night, but she disappeared and lied to me this morning. Then, I waited outside her afternoon class, but she wasn't there. When I sent her a text, she acted like I just missed her, but I was standing there before the class let out. She lied again. Where was she and why did she lie about it? I don't like lying, especially from her. I feel like our relationship is really strong, but trusting her is still fragile. She disappeared and put my kid up for adoption. I've moved past that but with her acting strange, I don't know what to make of it all. Is she about to do something drastic again? Today has just been weird and I'm really eager to see her again. She didn't answer any of my calls so now I wait.

"I think we need a guys only night," Steven announces.

"Who are you and what did you do to Steven's body? Is he dead or just kidnapped?" Tucker asks as he sits in the chair across the room. I do chuckle at that. Steven's not one to hang out with just the guys. He's always looking to get into a girl's pants.

"Har. Har. Elliot's with Cora and Ross is with Amber. I just feel like we need a proper lads night. We really haven't went out just the four of us since the night the girls got high."

"Don't remind me," Ross cringes. "I'm still not happy about it." That's the understatement of the year. Tucker, Steven, and I have hid from Ross and Amber fighting about that night. I don't know why Ross is being so uptight about it. After talking to Cora and the other girls, it's clear they were slipped something. So why is he giving her a hard time? I've told him he needs to chill about it but he doesn't listen.

"Well I'm in for a bro's night," Tucker says.

"Yeah. I'm good with that. Amber's working tonight anyway."

I check my phone, willing the time away. "Oh. I can't do tonight," I say. "I already have plans with Cora."

"Cancel. Cora will understand." I glare at Steven and roll my eyes. He's clearly never been in a relationship. He is right that Cora probably wouldn't care. She's cool like that, but I'm not going to do that to her. We have plans and she comes first. Plus, it's extra important that I see her tonight to make sure she's ok. "Don't give me that look," Steven sasses. "Bro's before hoe's."

"Not even close. I love you guys, but Cora comes first. No offense."

"Just this once? Please?"

"Nope. I really need to see her tonight."

"Why? I know you've gotten laid at least once this week. You can go a night without her."

I shake my head at Steven. "Stop listening when we have sex."

"Mate," he laughs, "it's not like I'm standing outside your door whacking off to the sounds. It's hard to ignore the Ahhh. Mmmm. Right there, Elliot. Yes. Ah! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ah! Agggh! ELLIOT!"

"Alright, knock it off." I chuck a pillow at him, causing him to spill his beer down his shirt. Everyone is laughing except Steven.

"Ass," he flips me off. "Now you have to blow her off to hang with us."

"I can't. Something's going on with her." I hear the uncertainty in my voice. Tucker leans forward with a look of concern. "I need to be with her tonight to make sure she's ok."

"Her mental health?" Ross asks and I shrug. I have no idea.

My phone goes off and I look at my display with concern. "It's Bobby." The guys turn quiet. Why is he calling me? "Bobby?"

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