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Meeting this ass is the last thing I want to be doing right now. I sip my beer, analyzing everyone that walks in that looks like a jerk. I need to chill though. I honestly have no reason to hate the guy. I'm grateful that Cora had someone to help her when she needed it. Plus, she has more than reassured me that there's no competition. So I need to have fun and play nice. He may like Cora, but she's my girl.

Stiff man. Expensive suit. Slick hair. Gotta be him. I watch as he scans the bar then sits down at a table next to a blonde. Guess not.

It just sucks though. At this point, Cora should have my ring on her finger. Bradley ruined my surprise proposal. He ruined my special night. I know it's not really ruined, just pushed back a day. It pisses me off though. I'm nervous and now I have even longer to wait.

"There he is," Cora whispers in my ear. Don't look too excited. I frown as she jumps out of her chair. I hate that she seems so happy that he walked into the room.

I stand up to greet him too. Play nice. My mom raised me with manners and they need to come into play now. I can't help scrutinizing the man as he walks towards us. I know very little about him, just that he's a CEO and has a nice car. Dammit. Why does he have to be good looking? Is he better looking than me? He looks like he just walked out of a boardroom. His blonde hair is neatly gelled. I'm regretting that I left mine tussled like this. His suit looks expensive. He's definitely dressed nicer than my jeans and button shirt. He's tall. Taller than me. He's probably the same height as Bobby. He walks with confidence and power. He has a big smile on his stupid handsome face that he's sending to my Cora. I hate him.

"Bradley! It's so good to see you. You look exactly the same."

"Cora!" He gives her a tight hug that's lasting too long. I am slowly murdering him in my mind. I could beat him up. My muscles are bigger. "I see you wore my curls." He takes a ringlet and wraps it around his finger and my fingers are itching to pull Cora away. Those aren't his curls. Those are my curls, ass. "And this must be Elliot." He turns his attention towards me and gives me a handshake that seems too calculated. I don't trust the guy. He seems like he's use to working people to his advantage.

"Nice to finally meet you," I say with a fake smile.

We sit at our table and I squeeze my beer trying to stop my arms from wrapping around Cora. I don't need to be a dick by claiming her right now. Everyone here knows she's mine. Still, I desperately want to stake my claim and show him that I get to touch her. I don't though. I spend the next hour listening to Cora and Bradley catch up. I'll acknowledge the conversation every once in awhile and add to it as needed. What can I really say about her time in New York though? I know very little about it. She never talks about it.

"McDonahew's just isn't the same without you. I definitely miss my favorite waitress."

"I seriously doubt that," Cora giggles. "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom." She gives me a smile then runs her fingers over my shoulders as she walks by.

Bradley stands up to see her off. Dammit. Better manners than me. Though his manners are lacking right now as he stares at her retreating form. "Man she's something else, isn't she?" I give him a tight smile as he meets my gaze. "You are a lucky bastard. Need another?" He asks as he points to the beer I'm nursing. He doesn't wait for me to answer. He turns around and hits the bar behind us. "Bartender. I'll take another Cosmopolitan for the lovely lady, a beer for him and a Scotch for myself."

He sits back down and sips his expensive drink. When he ordered it, he had to approve the bottle. He only drinks high caliber Scotch, he informed me. I wanted to roll my eyes with how ridiculous he is.

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