Deja Vu

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"You planning on working or making lovesick faces at your boyfriend all day?" Liz nudges against me and laughs.

"Sorry. He's so cute though." Elliot is sitting across the room with some of his football teammates, eating cupcakes. Almost every time I look over there, he's looking at me. If not, he soon looks up too. Liz is right. We are lovesick. This is actually ridiculous. We see each other all the time and we can't be across the room without staring at each other like this.

"I hate to tear you away from your silent flirting, but I need you to fill the display." She sits fresh cupcakes on the counter next to me. I give her a smile before neatly rearranging them in the display. I'm not working at the bakery unless Liz is in desperate need of help. This week, she needs the help. One of the girls that works here is on vacation with her husband. I'm more than happy to help out. I have a lot of free time to study here. Plus, I'll use this money to buy Elliot a birthday present, instead of using my dad's money.

Elliot's birthday... it's been a long time since I've been able to celebrate his birthday with him. The last time, was terrible. I caught him having sex then he knocked me up a few days later at his party. I've never really considered that before; our baby was conceived at his birthday party. I push that thought away. I try not to dwell on the baby thing. What ifs don't change what happened. Since we haven't really been able to celebrate his birthday since we were kids, I want to go all out. The problem is that I'm completely stuck. I have no ideas. I remember how perfect and amazing his holiday celebration date was. How do I top that? Dad's the only person I can think of who would be able to help, but that wouldn't work. He really likes Elliot and I together, but I'm not sure he'd jump with excitement to help me plan something romantic. That's only a tad bit awkward.

"Deep in thought?" Elliot's gorgeous blue eyes are staring at me with a cocky grin plastered to his face. "I'm hoping that's the look you have when you're daydreaming about me."

"Definitely daydreaming about you."

He leans in close and whispers, "Good stuff? Is it making you wet?" I bite my lip and nod my head. Elliot groans and I struggle not to giggle that my lie has affected him like this. "Good. Keep daydreaming and I'll make all your dreams come true tonight."

"I'm holding you to that." I lean over the counter and give him a brief kiss.

"The boys and I are heading out. I'll be back at four to pick you up."

"Perfect. Bye guys," I wave to everyone and hear a chorus of, "Bye Cora," in return.

The rest of the day drags on. I help Liz in the kitchen some, but my baking is rusty. Dad would not approve of these cookies. Neither does Liz, so I box them up for Elliot. They're good, they're just not pretty enough. Not perfect. My Sweets requires perfection.

I hear the bell out front ring as someone walks in. My eyes go wide with surprise as I see Lindsey standing at the counter. I haven't seen her since our dinner years ago. Has she been coming in here? Maybe she's been visiting with me gone. She does love the cupcakes. I nervously glance at Liz, still in the back. "How can I help you?" I greet her.

She glances behind me and sees Liz in the back room. "I'll take a chocolate cupcake please."

"Perfect choice. These are fresh out of the oven." I place the cupcake on a glass plate for her. She sits on the stool that's at the edge of the display and eats the cupcake. I lower my voice hoping that Liz isn't paying any attention to us. "Do you come here often?" I ask in an attempt to make it sound like general conversation.

"Randomly. It's hard to stay away from this deliciousness. Plus, I've been looking to meet someone." She gives me a pointed look.

Me? I mouth the words and she nods. She slips me a paper. I open it to see a phone number. I'm nervous. What's this about? The night at dinner was nice but she didn't want to risk keeping in touch. Why the change of heart now? She helped me when I ran away though, so I owe her this. She's never been anything but nice to me. My only worry is Elliot. She caused us to break up last time and I'm having a weird sense of deja vu. I nod my head in reply and tuck the paper in my pocket.

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