Broken Cupcakes

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It's Elliot's birthday. I still haven't talked to him since the mountain, besides a few small texts, and it's stressing me out. We're having a party for him this weekend but I want to spend time with him today. We've missed a lot of birthdays and I don't want to miss another.

The timer goes off and I pull the cupcakes out of the oven. I'm baking him his favorite; double chocolate fudge. I know he has football after his classes today. I can't assume he doesn't have plans though. It's his birthday after all. When I woke up this morning, I tried to call him but he didn't answer so I sang happy birthday to his voicemail. Then I sent him a Happy Birthday text. I have the feeling he's avoiding me. Is he struggling with the kiss too? What if he does have feelings for me? Maybe I really am overanalyzing all of this.

- Hey Birthday Boy! I have something for you! When can we meet up today? I'm available whenever.

I begin mixing the ingredients for the icing.

- Sometime later? Not sure yet. I'll text you.

- Perfect! See you later!

Good. I feel a little better now that he responded. Maybe he isn't avoiding me after all. Maybe I am overreacting about everything.


I drop my phone in my back pocket. I've been avoiding Cora and I hope she doesn't realize it. I'm not sure if a few texts are enough to make her not suspicious. I really don't want to hurt our friendship but I get a boner every time I think about our weekend together. I can't do that. I think I'm just horny. I need to get laid.

"Hey, Sally," I wink at the cute blonde as she walks past me. She's usually pretty flirty with me.

"Hey, Eli. Can I join you?"

"Looking at gorgeousness during lunch? Sign me up." She giggles as she sits down across from me. "You know, today's my birthday."

Her face lights up. "Happy birthday! Anything special you're wanting for your special day?"

"Well, funny you should ask..." This all just fell right into my hand. It's going to be a good day after all.

I make plans with Sally. I stress over and over again that I'm just looking for something casual. This will be a one time thing. Picking her up during lunch isn't the same as being drunk at a party. I don't want her to get the wrong idea from this. She seems like the clingy type. I just have to finish practice first. Then I'll have sex and these weird feelings for Cora will vanish. We can go back to normal. Problem solved.

Paul kicks the ball. I intercept it and dribble the ball down the field. My footwork is quick and I easily maneuver around my teammates playing defense.

I'm covered in sweat but feeling good as I hit the locker room. "Hey, man. Any plans tonight? I know it's your birthday so I can make myself scarce if needed," Paul says as he pats me on the back.

"Actually yeah. That'd be great, man."

"No problem. Since I'm broke, consider it my gift to you." I chuckle at him. It's nice to know I won't need to worry about him barging in or anything. "Happy you're finally getting laid! I was getting worried." I roll my eyes at him and chuckle.

Even though it feels like meaningless sex, I still treat Sally to dinner. I don't want to make her feel completely used. That's what one night stands feel like to me; like I'm using them. I mean, we are. I'm using her for sex only. So food is the least I can do. Dinner sucks though. She's not the funnest person to talk to.

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