It's Over

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My mood is sour. Here I went from having someone to being all alone again. It's sucks. I don't want to feel this loneliness anymore. It's been three days since I've last seen Bradley. He hasn't even came to McDonahew's for his business meetings. He's avoiding me which makes me realize how much he actually liked me. Dammit. Why do I have to be so screwed up?

I have just started my shift at The Shadow Room and I'm not feeling it. I just want to sit in my quiet apartment, all alone. It's two in the afternoon. I don't usually work here this early, but I picked up this shift to help a coworker who's mom is sick. I didn't have to work at McDonahew's today so it really doesn't matter. I can always use the extra money.

"You know, I was pretty sure I was right, but I needed more proof." Dillon Bass sits down at the bar right in front of me. My heart seizes in my chest. I no longer have Bradley to keep me safe.

"What do you want?" I ask with anger.

He chuckles at me. "I don't think that's anyway to treat a paying customer." I roll my eyes at him. "You're good. I admit that you gave me a run for my money. I've never had a more trying case."

"What are you talking about?"

"Like I said, I needed more proof and your eyes gave you away the other night when I called my date Cora. There was nothing but fear and panic in them. It confirmed that I was right and that I finally found the missing Cora McKenzie."

My heart stops. My stomach twists in fear. A cold chill creeps throughout my body. I feel my breathing turn shallow as I'm beginning to hyperventilate. I take a step back, like this small distance between us can protect me from his words. "Why?" I manage to spit out. "What do you want?"

"Nothing actually. Finding you was my job. You did good. I give you credit."

Panic. My body is crumbling in panic. "I've got to go," I say.

"I wouldn't if I were you. I already told your dad I found you. He's on his way here now."

"My dad?" I choke out in pain.

"Yep. He hired me to find you."

My dad paid him? My dad knows where I am? My dad is coming to get me? Fear sits hard in my chest. I want to see him but I'm scared. I'm scared of seeing the anger and pain that running away caused. I can't face it. What if he finds out about the baby? Does he already know? Alyssa Williams gave birth and put her baby up for adoption. Does Dillon know that? Does my dad? I bolt into the back room, grab my purse and run outside. Dillon follows me out. "Your dad loves you, Cora. He just wants to know you're safe." I kick off my heels and run, leaving them on the pavement. I don't know where I'm going or what to do. Tears are forcefully streaming from my eyes. I can't be found. My past is closing in on me and I'm panicking.

I'm close to Bradley's office. I've never been here before, but he's the only one who can help me. My brain is shutting down with panic. I can't be found. I need help. I run into the office and the receptionist looks at me with concern. "Is Bradley here?"

Her look of concern falls from her face. Nobody can just walk in and see him. "I'm sorry, Miss, but Mr. Astor is in a meeting right now."

"Please. You don't understand. It's important I see him. Please."

"I'm sorry, Miss. I can take your name and let him know you stopped by."

"Please. Just let him know I'm here now."

"I'm sorry. I cannot do that."

"Alyssa?" I hear Bradley's voice behind me and I run into his arms. "Hey. It's ok." He quickly walks me away and I find myself sitting in a gorgeous, modern office with a wall of windows overlooking the city. "What's wrong?"

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