My Knight in an Expensive Suit

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I feel more rested and at peace when I wake up the following day. I think yesterday was just an off day with the birthday and memories. I quickly get ready for my run and bolt out the door. Even though it's early, the air is hot and sticky with humidity. It's going to be a nasty day. Still, it's a pretty morning and by far my favorite time of day. I feel at peace as I run my normal trail through Central Park.

"Beautiful day today," a man says as he runs next to me.

I startle slightly. "It is," I say as I pick up the pace to put distance between us. I want to glance behind me, but that would be too obvious. When I get to my normal sitting area, I do a few stretches and people watch. The man is nowhere to be seen. He was just a friendly guy. I'm so paranoid all the time. Who cares if someone says hi to me. I need to calm down.

There's a lot of morning runners and walkers here. I watch as an elderly couple slowly walk while holding hands. It makes me smile to see how much they still love each other. I bet my parents will be like that. That thought hurts. Will I ever have that? The mom and dad pushing a baby stroller hurts my chest on a different level, so I immediately get up and run back home.


It's already been an exhausting day at McDonahew's. The lunch rush is finally over and I take a moment to catch my breath. I just sit down when I hear, "Alyssa, you have a guest at table 7." I nod as I make my way out front. So long for my little break.

"Welcome to McDonahew's. We're happy to have you." My smile falters briefly as I recognize this man as the runner from the park this morning. I take a deep breath and try to recompose myself.

"Thank you. What do you recommend?"

"The parmesan crusted salmon or the filet mignon is exceptionally good," I give him a small smile. I wouldn't really know. I've never eaten it.

"I'll take the salmon then with a glass of lemon water please."

"Excellent choice. Will you be dining alone today?"

He chuckles. "It appears so. I did have a business meeting, but he canceled last minute." I nod. I didn't need to know that. I give him a smile as I collect his menu and turn to walk away. "I'm sorry, but do I know you? You look familiar."

"Unlikely," I say as I leave the table.

"I got it!" I turn and walk back to him so he doesn't shout out again and disturb the other diners. "I saw you running this morning." It was him then. "Huh. What a small world it is."

"That it is," I smile. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

He gives me a smile that is way too charming and instantly makes me nervous. "Actually, I'd love to take you on a date. What time do you get off tonight?"

I look at him in shock. He's joking, right? He has to be joking. This man is definitely mid thirties. He's obviously well off since he's eating here and his suit just screams money. He's attractive with his light complexion, black hair gelled perfectly to the side, and the beginning signs of facial stubble. His eyes are such a deep shade of blue that they almost look black and his body is well built. I'm not going to lie, he's attractive. What does he see in me though? I make myself look plain and boring. I work at this restaurant, I'm not eating here. He shouldn't be giving me the time of day. He gives me an amused look since I haven't answered him yet. I quickly clear my throat and shake off my shock. "I'm sorry, but I'm unable to."

"Oh, nonsense. Let me take you out. I promise it'll be fun."

"Thank you again, but I work my second job tonight." I'm embarrassed to admit this to him. Not saying he doesn't work hard, though I don't know him at all. He comes from money though. Him knowing I have to work two jobs to make ends meet should be enough to scare him off.

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