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All my thoughts have been invaded by Cora, these last two weeks. She has consumed me so much that I've struggled to make it through school and football. I can't get the blood and fear out of my head. I can't stop picturing her walking in front of that car.

"Is lights out ok?" Tucker's roommate asks us. I nod my head and stretch out on the couch. I've been crashing here most nights since I punched Paul. We're both still pissed and not talking. I'd prefer to avoid the tension right now. I can't handle much. I might just stay here for good.

My thoughts quickly return to Cora. She comes home tomorrow. That's what Ava told me anyway. Obviously she'll be in London, not here, but I'll be able to finally talk to her. We have things we need to work out. When I close my eyes I see her perfect naked body. I've been dreaming about kissing her again and making love to her. I want Cora to be my girl. I'm putting all my worries and fears behind me. I'm ignoring the fact that I'm only 19 and Cora might be the one. That means this will be a serious relationship. Why wouldn't I want to fall in love with my best friend? Hell, I already love her. We just make sense and I need to show her this.

I'll give her tomorrow to be with her family, but then I'm calling her to tell her how I feel.


"Cora!" Aria squeals as she wraps me in a tight hug.

"You look good," Faye says.

"I feel good."

"No more of this kill yourself shit, right?"

"No more. I'm never going through this again. They changed my medicine and I feel a lot better. Plus I learned a lot of techniques to help me if things start feeling like too much."

"Good." Aria wraps me in another hug. "Because I kind of like having you around."

I roll my eyes and laugh at her. "Yeah, you're not so bad being around either."

I am so happy to be home and that Aria and Faye flew here from the States. This is why I have the greatest family. It doesn't matter what's going on or how busy we are. If one of us is struggling or hurting, it affects us all.

"Twin!" Oliver shrieks, trying to mimic Aria's voice. I laugh as he pulls me into a hug. Since we are so close in age, we use to pretend we were twins too. My dad and mom are just beaming to have all us kids together again. I just feel bad that I'm the reason we're all here now.

The front door flies open and I hear a shriek. "CORA!" Robbie instantly has me in his arms. "Darlin, what the hell?"

"Hey Rob," I smile as I squeeze him back.

"Rob, what are you doing here?" My dad asks. "I said you could come over tomorrow. Today was suppose to be just family."

"Rude," Robbie scoffs. "I am family and Cora's my little diva." He pulls me away and stares me down. "Let's cut with these diva antics though. Uncle Robbie simply cannot handle much more from you."

"Never again," I promise. I mean that too. There is no way I'll ever let myself get that bad again.

We spend a really nice day just hanging out and relaxing together. At night, Aria, Faye, Oliver and I camp out in the entertainment room.

"Horror flick just like old times?" Aria asks.

"Yes!" Oliver cheers. "When you pulled out the nail polish I was worried we were watching a chick flick."

"I wouldn't do that to you, Oli!" Aria giggles. "That's the job for your future girl, if you ever get one."

"Hey now! I do alright with the ladies."

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